GA7.1 StratTrop suites


This page contains details of GA7.1/GA8.0+StratTrop suites available.


- COPY these suites for your use rosie copy u-nnXXX (or in Rosie GUI), rather than checking them out.This will prevent you accidentally over-writing the settings in the original suite.
- For Monsoon2, remember to change the project-name before running (This might be set to ukca-meto by default), otherwise you are likely to see submit-failed error messages for tasks running on the HPC.

TS2000 free-running suites

These are year-2000 atmosphere-only timeslice simulations.

UM versions Met Office XC40 Monsoon2 XCS Met Office EXZ ARCHER/2
UM11.0 u-ay770 u-bb055 (NEXCS) u-ba915
UM11.1 u-bd086 Will be produced on request
UM11.2 u-bd036 u-bd683 u-be045
Bit-reprod with UM11.2
u-bg745 u-bg779 u-bg785
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u-bk249 u-bl029
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u-bo717 u-bo741
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u-bs395 u-bs425
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u-bw489 u-bw692
UM11.8 u-bz814 u-bz918
UM11.9 u-cd037#
GA8.0 based Strattrop/CHeST Suites
UM11.9 GA8.0 u-cf821
Pdficon small.png Comparison with GA7.1 Info circle.png
UM12.0 u-cg448 u-cg499
UM12.1 u-cj543 N/A yet
UM12.2 u-cm169 N/A yet
UM13.0 u-cp916 u-cq018 u-ct792*
UM13.1 u-cs569 u-da188 u-ct823*
UM13.2 u-cv997 u-cw385 u-cw332
GAL9.0 based Strattrop/CHeST Suites
Gregorian calendar
u-cy148 Fully portable. rosie copy and change SITE and add account/ project names Fully portable. rosie copy and change SITE and add account/ project/ PPTRANSDIR names
Gregorian calendar
u-da492 Fully portable. rosie copy and change SITE and add account/ project names. mi-bf636
Pdficon small.png Comparison with XC40 Info circle.png
Not tested
Gregorian calendar
u-df519 Fully portable. rosie copy and change SITE and add account/ project names. Not yet Not tested
Gregorian calendar
u-di642 Fully portable. rosie copy and change SITE and add account/ project names. Not yet Not tested

#: u-cd037 has an issue with fields requested with sub-daily sampling (e.g. T6HDPMN) where all the daily values are written to the monthly mean files. Does not affect fields with TMONMN, but the pm files are bigger in size. Use of u-cd694 is recommended, which has the correct settings.

*: UMvn13.x ARCHER2 suites may require the l_enforce_f03_compliance=.false. with the Gregorian calendar. This will prevent the error "Ancillary time mean lookup items 1-12 are not compliant with UMDP F03".

  • An example vn11.2 ARCHER suite configured for a 1-day run without archiving and with manual compile is u-be079. A selected set of 3-hourly meaned UKCA diagnostics are also sent to the daily UPK stream.

TS2000 nudged suites

These are year-2000 atmosphere-only timeslice simulations nudged to ERA-Interim reanalysis. Here the nudging files will change with date rather than being a perpetual year, although the forcings are all climatologies.

Instructions for setting up an ERA dataset for perpetual year Nudging can be found here: Nudging perpetual

UM versions Met Office XC40 Monsoon2 XCS NEXCS ARCHER
UM11.0 u-ba749 u-bb202 u-bb210
UM11.1 u-bd267 Will be produced on request
UM11.2 u-bd359 u-bd341 u-bd366
UM11.3 u-bh303
UM11.4 Will be produced if needed
UM11.5 u-bq095
UM11.6 u-bt030
using ERA5
u-cd061 u-cd679
using ERA5
using ERA5
using ERA5

Release notes / Known Issues

All UM versions (vn10.6.1+)

  • Stash items spanning 38:485 to 38:545 i.e. Aerosol surface conc., number conc., load diagnostics: Due to the way STASH is handling and processing these items -when requested using Stash time profiles like TDMPMN, TMONMN, TDAYMN- will be output as exactly 1/3rd of their actual value. Members making use of these items need to scale the values by 3.0.

The issue was fixed at UMvn11.7 (#4909) so no longer exists from vn11.8 onwards

All UKCA configurations till UM11.2 using ENDGame

  • The Strat-trop exchange diagnostics (e.g. O3 STE 50-051) are incorrect due to errors in handling of the extra model-level (introduced under ENDGame dynamical core) during their calculation.

All UKCA configurations till UM11.6

  • The O(1D) mass mixing ratio field (STASH 34997/ 51997) is incorrect due to an error in the conversion factors used in its calculation.

Testing suites

Further details on UKCA testing suites on Met Office and Monsoon2 platforms can be found at

Other Configurations and Input Files

Please see these pages for details of further UKCA configurations in use, and information about other input files:

  • UKCA Box model
  • Other UKCA Configurations
  • Other UKCA Input Files
  • CMIP6 Emissions: Details of the procedure used for generation of emissions and other forcing data for UKESM1/CMIP6 expts can be found in links from this page. Wherever possible, first try to contact the creator/ reviewer of the particular dataset in case you need more information

Converting Y2000 suites to transient

Instructions for converting the above Y2000 (decadal mean forcing) suites to transient can be found here.

Virtual Machine Development Suites

Suites that can be run on the Virtual Machine are listed here. It is relatively straight-forward to upgrade suites to required versions due to the simple nature of the suite.

  • All jobs are column-call configurations except for UM10.9/u-as159. This means that you can change the decomposition and the results will stay the same.
  • All jobs run for 3 model hours
  • The N48L38 jobs run for 6 timesteps (30 min timestep) and needs around 4GB of memory free to run (a minimum of a 6GB VM is required)
  • The N48L70 jobs run for 9 timesteps (20 min timestep) and needs around 8GB of memory free to run (a minimum of a 10GB VM is required)

For further information see Abraham et al. (2018).

Please also see the Box model pages for details of UKCA Box Model suites that run on the VM.

UM versions N48L38 N48L70
UM10.9 u-as159
UM11.0 u-ax117
UM11.1 u-bb521 u-bc444
UM11.3 u-bh045
UM11.5 u-bo389 u-bo378
UM11.7 u-by854 or u-bz223 u-by855
UM11.8 u-ca021 u-cm503
UM12.0 u-cg192 (no prebuilds)
u-cg311 (with prebuilds)
UM12.2 u-co050 (with prebuilds) u-co052 (with prebuilds)
UM13.0 u-cq148 (with prebuilds) u-cq155 (with prebuilds)
UM13.1 u-ct238 (with prebuilds) u-ct239 (with prebuilds)
UM13.2 u-cv943 (with prebuilds) u-cv944 (with prebuilds)
UM13.3 u-da109 (with prebuilds) u-da110 (with prebuilds)
UM13.4 u-db077 (with prebuilds) u-db078 (with prebuilds)
UM13.5 u-df428 (with prebuilds) u-df429 (with prebuilds)
UM13.6 u-di913 (with prebuilds) u-di914 (with prebuilds)
UM13.7 u-dk938 (with prebuilds) u-dk939 (with prebuilds)