Redundant code

Revision as of 17:05, 3 October 2016 by NHSavage (talk | contribs) (→‎Table of code proposed for deletion: 2D photolysis ticket)

This page is a starting point for discussion on code which is not being used and can be considered for removal. At this stage no decisions about any of these pieces of code have been made but in time it will become a place to record when things are planned to be deleted and then when they are deleted.

Table of code proposed for deletion

Status should be "proposed" until agreed for deletion at a code management group meeting. However, you are encouraged to open a ticket with the milestone set to 'HOPEFULLY' as soon as you propose something here. If the proposal is rejected the ticket can be closed.

# Description Ticket Remarks Status Owner
1 Old emissions code (that which uses ancil files) #142 None PROPOSED Nick Savage
2 Old dry deposition scheme #2356 None PROPOSED Nick Savage
3 ukca_volume_mode.F90 - quick method for calculating wet volume is not used since iwvolmethod is hard coded to equal 2. None None PROPOSED Nick Savage
4 2D photolysis #2358 None PROPOSED Nick Savage
5 ukca_strat_update.F90 - relax_ozone None None PROPOSED Nick Savage
6 Backward Euler Standard Tropospheric Chemistry None None PROPOSED Nick Savage
7 Wet oxidation of SO2 in GLOMAP None None PROPOSED Colin Johnson