Minutes of the code management group meeting 2020-03-20


Code management group minutes

Teleconference Details

Friday 20th March 2020, 10am - 11.30am GMT

  • UK Landline: +44 (0)1223 761376 (x61376 from an internal University of Cambridge phone)
  • Participant PIN: 125080

Met Office: FM, AJH, MS, JH, AH, NC, JM

Cambridge: LA, SAN

Leeds: MR, DG








Actions from this meeting

  1. (ongoing) LA to put C_SPECIES definitions in the Redundant Code table (short-term), and switch to use M_SPECIES instead. Talk with JH about AQUM tests and requirements. Note that there will be problems with exoplanets and >100km top configs where M_air not constant. LA to make a branch and progress for vn11.6.
    • Ongoing
  2. (new) ALL to consider Monsoon users MASS data plan and feedback to FOC within 2 weeks. Please also include suggestions for local points of contact.
    • Ongoing
    • ACTION: LA to check with FOC on progress
  3. (new) AH/FOC to assign people following feedback
    • Ongoing
  4. (ongoing) LA to contact AS/AJH and ask how best to proceed with removing the depreciated NetCDF attribute options. Do after GA8 is released as still required for GA7.
    • Ongoing
  5. (new) JH to update API document and ask for further feedback on this when completed
    • Available as a 2nd draft now, will circulate more generally soon
    • Ongoing
  6. (ongoing) GM (supported by KP/MY/AH) to make table on UKCA wiki documenting this. LA to email. See GLOMAP versions
    • Ongoing
    • ACTION: LA to email GM
  7. (ongoing) LA to contact MH/OW regarding FastJX-GLOMAP coupling. Follow-up after UMvn11.5 is released. LA to check with FOC about who will do this.
    • FOC will contact OW about this
    • Ongoing
  8. (ongoing) MD to update um_ukca_eg app to be more in line with UKESM1, and add a rigorous test. Convered by #5294, branch being reviewed
    • Closed
  9. (ongoing) LA to add N48 Linux and update EXP test
    • Ongoing
  10. (ongoing) LA to contact AJH/GM offline regarding coupling StratTrop to GLOMAP-CLIM
    • Ongoing
  11. (ongoing) DG to progress fix for bug #114. LA to check original email for details & update table. LA contact DG offline.
    • Some progress, need to port to vn11.6
    • Ongoing
  12. (ongoing) ALL to add their vn11.6 tickets to um:#5249 to allow a commit order to be determined.
    • Closed
  13. (new) LA to email GH re: Dry Deposition (Bug #35), cc JM
    • GH hasn’t done much due to closed release. JM to send informal email with updates, cc LA
  14. (new) LA to send a Doodle poll for 2 weeks following 16th March 2020

Standing actions

  1. (ongoing - standing item) CMG to monitor list of bugs and circulate between group for owners.
  2. (ongoing - standing item) At CMG future meetings there should be included an appendix listing the open bugs. If a ticket is included it is not an open bug (as the owner of ticket is person doing lodging).
  3. (ongoing - standing item) ALL with access to keep monitoring ukca_bugs email list.
  4. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to think about if code changes will change KGO and let systems team know in good time, and remember to include the UKCA keywords to all UKCA tickets. This should be a standard part of our working practice. Note also the required keywords.
  5. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to note, review, and remove obsolete/redundant code
  6. (ongoing - standing item) ALL closed ticket owners to produce a summary of their change for the UKCA newsletter for special occasions, e.g. to coincide with Composition-Climate Meeting.
  7. (ongoing - standing item) Code Owner to produce draft newsletter for CMG to approve.
  8. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to consider other rose-stem tests that could be included
  9. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to email LA with suggestions for next set of tutorial


Actions from the Last Meeting (LA)

Minutes of the code management group meeting 2020-01-14

  1. (ongoing) LA to put C_SPECIES definitions in the Redundant Code table (short-term), and switch to use M_SPECIES instead. Talk with JH about AQUM tests and requirements. Note that there will be problems with exoplanets and >100km top configs where M_air not constant. LA to make a branch and progress for vn11.6.
  2. (new) ALL to consider Monsoon users MASS data plan and feedback to FOC within 2 weeks. Please also include suggestions for local points of contact.
  3. (new) AH/FOC to assign people following feedback
  4. (ongoing) LA to contact AS/AJH and ask how best to proceed with removing the depreciated NetCDF attribute options. Do after GA8 is released as still required for GA7.
  5. (new) JH to update API document and ask for further feedback on this when completed
  6. (ongoing) GM (supported by KP/MY/AH) to make table on UKCA wiki documenting this. LA to email. See GLOMAP versions
  7. (ongoing) LA to contact MH/OW regarding FastJX-GLOMAP coupling. Follow-up after UMvn11.5 is released. LA to check with FOC about who will do this.
  8. (ongoing) MD to update um_ukca_eg app to be more in line with UKESM1, and add a rigorous test. Convered by #5294, branch being reviewed
  9. (ongoing) LA to add N48 Linux and update EXP test
  10. (ongoing) LA to contact AJH/GM offline regarding coupling StratTrop to GLOMAP-CLIM
  11. (ongoing) DG to progress fix for bug #114. LA to check original email for details & update table. LA contact DG offline.
  12. (ongoing) ALL to add their vn11.6 tickets to um:#5249 to allow a commit order to be determined.
  13. (new) LA to email GH re: Dry Deposition (Bug #35), cc JM
  14. (new) LA to send a Doodle poll for 2 weeks following 16th March 2020

Standing actions

  1. (ongoing - standing item) CMG to monitor list of bugs and circulate between group for owners.
  2. (ongoing - standing item) At CMG future meetings there should be included an appendix listing the open bugs. If a ticket is included it is not an open bug (as the owner of ticket is person doing lodging).
  3. (ongoing - standing item) ALL with access to keep monitoring ukca_bugs email list.
  4. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to think about if code changes will change KGO and let systems team know in good time, and remember to include the UKCA keywords to all UKCA tickets. This should be a standard part of our working practice. Note also the required keywords.
  5. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to note, review, and remove obsolete/redundant code
  6. (ongoing - standing item) ALL closed ticket owners to produce a summary of their change for the UKCA newsletter for special occasions, e.g. to coincide with Composition-Climate Meeting.
  7. (ongoing - standing item) Code Owner to produce draft newsletter for CMG to approve.
  8. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to consider other rose-stem tests that could be included
  9. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to email LA with suggestions for next set of tutorials

Bugs/Bugfixes (LA)

Open Bugs

# Description Ticket Owner Comments Comments from this meeting
35 Error in labelling: Surface resistance <--> stomatal resistance ? UM:#1409 Fiona O'Connor Leave open. Garry Hayman started work in offline JULES.
Still ongoing. JM found bug in SO2 deposition, where there is an inconsistency when changing tiles. Making progress.
Leave open. GH gave update, has done a lot of work. Concerned it might not be bit-reproducable, but could be solvable. Encouraging to lodge existing. Resistances done as metadata. Not clear as to timescales.
FOC to encourage Garry Hayman to start lodging JULES code piecemeal.
LA to email GH, cc JM
JM to email GH
101 Errors in reaction rates and diagnostics UM:#4466 Luke Abraham / Scott Archer-Nicolls There is a need to conserve science config for UKESM1, so changes need to be on a flag.
Colin has been looking at DMSO, as this is not currently used in StratTrop but is in Offline.
Might be able to merge the rate with CEJ changes, but best to leave the diagnostic issues as a separate change.
LA, JM, CEJ, SAN to discuss offline and keep GM in loop.
Use versioning system. Talk about further offline.
Keep ongoing.
LA to do with #103
Do for vn11.6. Quite a large ticket.
Hope to progress for vn11.6
Bump for vn11.7
LA may be able to progress. Versioning has been done separately. Another issue was added to this recently, to do with formation of H2O - may have an impact
103 Incorrect indexing of tmprc array: ASAD_SPIMPMJP UM:#4562 Scott Archer-Nicolls Breaks KGO - affects solver convergence. In practice doesn’t make a huge difference, but should go into vn11.4, but does change KGO. UKESM1 - small change might be OK - get in touch for advice - might be able to test with UKESM1 AMIP only. Check with Oliver Wild
Could be rolled-up with #101
LA to do with #101
Bump for vn11.7
104 Incorrect value for Rc for SO_2 deposition to open water UM:#4635 Catherine Hardacre Got to be separate to #35, unless there is an idea of timelines.
JM to find someone to progress bug #104.
LA to follow-up with JM
Core group to do in new year
Planned for vn11.7. JM to check for clashes with Steve Rumbold. Will add to vn11.7 group ticket. Guang Zeng at NIWA to review ddep resistances. JM to check with GZ about a new ticket for this. Code is complex and hard to read with temporary logicals
107 Missing c_h2o conversion factor in offline_oxidants_be um:#4714
Luke Abraham Code is zq(:)=RESHAPE(q(:,:,k),(/theta_field_size/)) rather than zq(:) = RESHAPE(q(:,:,k),(/theta_field_size/))/c_h2o
LA to take ownership and assess
Do for vn11.6
Code is committed. Need to think about for GA8/9
108 Incorrect stash processing of GLOMAP load*, conc* and plume_scav diagnostics UM:#4909 Mohit Dalvi To be Lodged after 10.6
Do after CMIP6 runs are finished (after Jan 2020)
Timeline still on track
Bump for vn11.7
May be OK to lodge for vn11.7, but correction is hard-wired in postprocessing scripts. JM to check whether a later version is needed
109 Bug in dry deposition of CH4 for 13/17/27 tiles UM:#4913 Gerd Folberth To be Lodged after 10.6
Gerd noted unusual CH4 output in CMIP6 runs.
May need a rose stem test for H2 and CH4 drdydep code lodged at UM:#4157
Makes a huge difference to CH4. Needs testing. AJH or GF will do during vn11.4, progress for vn11.6. May need UKESM1 approval.
Code is difficult to understand. AJH thinks GarryH is aware of this problem.
LA to ask GF to add more details
GF has emailed. LA to update wiki pages (see below)
Only impacts emission driven runs.
110 UKCA solar-cycle routine does not pass NRUN-CRUN test UM:#4828 Luke Abraham To be Lodged after 11.5
Have a solution.
Solution is a bit tricky to check the logic correctly.
114 Bug in ukca_activate leading to droplet numbers being too high in the upper regions of continuous cloud columns
Previously the number per m3 was replicated upwards from cloud base, but really this should be the number per kg of air to mimic what would happen in a rising air parcel (parcel expansion would lead to the number per m3 reducing with height as an air parcel rises, scaling with the air density). This is likely to make the largest difference for deep clouds where there are deep contiguous columns.
DG has a vn10.8 branch, but changes are self-contained. See ticket um:#5233.
DG to progress ticket. LA to check original email for details & update table. LA contact DG offline.
LA to discuss with DG offline to see about progressing
117 Fix call to extract_seg and insert_seg in ukca_aero_ctl UM:#4954 See both scitech and code review of UM:#4739 Close as not a bug. MR had commented on ticket.
ACTION: LA to email Maff, AJH, & MR about this and ask for an opinion.
119 Incorrect calculation for gridbox area - only affects GLOMAP-mode diagnostics Calculation of volume appears correct, but area is not. This calculation is missing the factor fv_cos_theta_latitude so will not cause area to tend towards zero at the poles. It also seems to use an unnecessary approximation to the latitude difference (based on sinv_latitude) which may break down at high latitudes. The calculation should perhaps be consistent with subsequent volume calculation but without the delta_r factor. This will likely only affect diagnostics calculated in ukca_emiss_diags_mode, where it is used to convert from kg/m2/s to mol/gridbox/s, although it is also printed out in ukca_aero_ctl. JH spotted. Just diagnostic affected.
ACTION: LA to open a ticket. cc JM, NC
120 nr_steps warning message - eg um_n48_ga_amip_exp UM:#XXXX Perhaps this should have a clean fail rather than warning? There may be a lot of rose-meta and code changes to allow nr_steps to be set in niche cases. Some chemistry schemes seem to need an NRSTEPS value when they shouldn’t.
ACTION: MD to take on the ticket.

All old bugs fixed with a temporary logical have been accepted for GA8, but may still need to go into UKESM1.1 first. However, will be able to retire these logicals in the near future. Won’t be able to retire logicals until all science configurations have been finished with. If UKESM1 logicals and GA8 logicals have been accepted then they could be retired soon.

Ben Drummond mentioned an issue with interactive dry deposition.

ACTION: FM to forward BD email to AJH & JM

Redundant Code (LA)

Code for deletion


# Description Ticket Remarks Status Timeframe Owner Comments from previous meetings Comments from this meeting
2 Old dry deposition scheme UM:#2356 None PROPOSED Medium-term Nick Savage
4 ukca_strat_update.F90 - relax_ozone UM:#1505 None PROPOSED Medium-term Luke Abraham
5 Backward Euler Standard Tropospheric Chemistry UM:#1507 None PROPOSED Medium-term Fiona O'Connor
6 Wet oxidation of SO2 in GLOMAP UM:#4475 None PROPOSED Medium-term Colin Johnson JM to look at this re: UKESM1 c.f. offline GLOMAP. JM to take ownership.
Still needed for CTM. Relevance for standalone code and later coupling to CTM.
7 Updraft velocity - l_conv_tke UM:#3668 Proposed in December 2017. Approval being sought for GA series (likely GA8). PROPOSED Medium-term Alan J Hewitt / Ian Boutle
8 All backward Euler chemistry schemes None Note that this is only for the “hard-coded” BE schemes. Quite a lot of work would be involved, but good as a longer-term aim. Note that problems for AQUM would need to be addressed first. PROPOSED Long-term Luke Abraham
9 Deprecated UKCA netcdf attribute options UM:#2513 'emission_type', string type attributes no longer recommeneded. Need some time for most new code to adopt these. Still used in AQUM files. DEPRECATED Medium-term Nick Savage AQUM are addressing the files. Have gone from operational jobs, have ticket to remove from rose-stem. LN to document. These have been removed from AQUM.
AQUM work has been done.
From AS: In the ancil ticket linked from #2513 (https://code.metoffice.gov.uk/trac/ancil/ticket/782) it says that GA7 depends on the old format files, and as far as I know this is still true. In the 3-step timeline suggested, we haven't reached step 2 unfortunately. That ticket was about ensuring GA8 did not use the old attributes. I believe that GA8 is due for release in the next few months (it has been a very long time coming), so UM vn11.5 may be the last version at which GA7 is supported. Do you mind waiting a bit longer?
10 ASAD families chemistry None Families chemistry has not been used for many years (since at least UM6.1. It is likely that it no longer works if turned on, and it complicates the code making other developments harder DEPRECATED Short-term Luke Abraham
11 Dry deposition 9 PFT option None The 13 PFT option has been adopted for UKESM1.
The 9 PFT option is possibly not being used at all.
Proposed in June 2018.
PROPOSED Long-term Alan J Hewitt
12 Remove explicit C_SPECIES constants and calculate these from M_SPECIES and the mass of air None Will have wide-ranging rose-stem KGO breakages PROPOSED Short-term Luke Abraham
13 Remove temporary logical l_fix_nacl_density
Introduced at UM:#2405
UM:#3490 Requires AMIP testing and a GMED ticket
Could be accepted to GA9
PROPOSED Medium-term Jane Mulcahy See JM GMED action
15 Remove temporary logical l_fix_ukca_impscav
Introduced at UM:#1421
UM:#4145 Approval being sought for GA series (likely GA9)
PROPOSED Medium-term Alan J Hewitt See JM GMED action
16 Remove temporary logical l_fix_improve_drydep
Introduced at UM:#1250
UM:#3997 Approval being sought for GA series (likely GA9)
PROPOSED Medium-term Alan J Hewitt See JM GMED action
17 Remove temporary logical l_fix_ukca_h2dd_x
Introduced at UM:#4157
UM:#4245 Approval being sought for GA series (likely GA9)
PROPOSED Medium-term Alan J Hewitt See JM GMED action
18 Remove temporary logical l_fix_neg_pvol_wat
Introduced at UM:#4383
UM:#4416 Approval being sought for GA series (likely GA9)
PROPOSED Medium-term Alan J Hewitt
21 Remove code behind L_use_stratclim from ukca_fastjx_mod
Introduced prior to MOSRS
UM:#4854 This could either be properly included via a namelist or removed from the UM PROPOSED Medium-term Alan J Hewitt LA contact OW about progressing FastJX-RADAER work Ties in with API work. MD/NC to take a look, can be removed. Do as part of API.
ACTION: Relevant person take ownership as part of API work
22 Remove temporary logical l_fix_ukca_input_meoh_emiss
Introduced at UM:#3031
UM:#4848 Approval being sought for GA series (likely GA9)
PROPOSED Medium-term Mohit Dalvi

Update on UKCA API redesign

JH has been working on redesigning the UM-UKCA interface to remove the model specific coupling.

JH revising document to reflect situation at vn11.6, and introduce several minor design changes, extend scope to include RADAER & GLOMAP-CLIM. Shift in responsibility for file input to parent (thinking ahead to LFRic), will affect emissions, offox code, reference datasets etc. Change to handling of errors, other changes for LFRic compatibility, still work to be done in separating namespaces. Will include a list of all the modules that show which will be UKCA and which will remain in the UM, so to avoid passing variables across via use statements. Error handling - different fatal error handling introduced previously, passing control back to the parent (c.f. ensemble runs), will now introduce an option to choose behaviour to allow UKCA to fail at the point of failure. Will need to replace ereport eventually, but current focus in on LFRic. Will have a few tickets for vn11.7 - potentially 4/5 (JH, MD, NC working on tickets).

Progress with Priorities (LA)

The current priorities are:

# Description Owner
1 UKCA API John Hemmings
2 Review UKCA tests to cover all requirements Luke Abraham / Mohit Dalvi
3 Updates/fixes to GLOMAP routines
4 Standalone UKCA configurations Luke Abraham
5 Emissions flexibility Mohit Dalvi
6 Separare UKCA repository Luke Abraham
7 Non-API LFRic work, e.g. I/O, diagnostics etc.
8 RADAER optimisation
9 FastJX-GLOMAP coupling
10 Cloud-J
11 Fixes for chemistry rates and ASAD (bugs #101 & #103) Luke Abraham
12 Rc fixes for water (bug #104) UKESM Core Team
13 CH4 deposition fixes (bug #109) Gerd Folberth
14 UKCA STASHmaster PP-codes Luke Abraham
15 Removal of redundant code ALL
16 GLOMAP-CLIM API refresh Alan Hewitt
17 N48L85 configuration
18 ACTIVATE optimisation

No rose-stem for inferno.

ACTION: LA to follow-up with Joao for the exp test with Inferno.

GLOMAP-CLIM will move into UKCA, to have the same API.

GA timelines: GA8 has been frozen, test jobs are/will soon be available. We will need to work ASAP if targeting GA9 if want to influence UKESM2, science testing to be completed by June. There may be a bit more time for UKESM2-only changes, but ideal if target GA9 timeline. Even though timelines are tight people should still push ahead with changes.

Key UKESM2 science targets include Inferno, Nitrate, & Modal dust. There might be smaller changes such as BLN, Cloud pH. It would be a good discussion point at the next UKCA SMG.

UM11.7 Tickets

See here for UM vn11.7 tickets on MOSRS.




The UM Systems Team have highlighted potential issues about how the working will be in the current conditions. They may have to bump some non-urgent tickets.


It was highlighted that the various acronyms used can be confusing, especially for new starters.

ACTION: JM to point out various papers describing set ups.

In the current situation it was noted that teleconferences aren't as ideal as something web-based, such as Zoom, WebEx etc. We should try various methods to find what works best.

ACTION: LA to arrange WebEx for the next meeting.

Date of next meeting (LA)

ACTION: LA to make Doodle Poll over the weeks of the 27th April to 15th May.