Minutes of the code management group meeting 2018-02-21


Code management group minutes

Teleconference Details

Wednesday 21st February 2018, 10am - 12noon BST

  • UK Landline: +44 (0)1223 761376 (x61376 from an internal University of Cambridge phone)
  • Participant PIN: 632944


Met Office:









Not present:

Actions from this meeting


Actions from the Last Meeting (LA)

Minutes of the code management group meeting 2017-10-19

One off actions

  1. (ongoing) GM to check 8.4 versus 7.3 (and possibly vn8.4 vs 10.x) GLOMAP-mode code and report any missing bug fixes on the bugfix page.
  2. (ongoing) LA to migrate PUMA UM tickets to MOSRS - see table below.
  3. (ongoing) LA to open tickets for all changes that still require a ticket.
  4. (ongoing) FOC to open ticket + Bugfixes Table entry related to 'Unable to calculate tropopause' warnings.
  5. (ongoing) FOC to recommend at next Exec meeting a policy of allowing only CMG to (certify and) distribute any UKCA configurations for science purpose.
  6. (ongoing) LA (& others who are interested) to look into how to re-organise the UKCA panel (e.g. into sub-panels) & think about removal of namelist items.
  7. (ongoing) LA to organise a follow-up meeting of interested parties on the UKCA panel re-organisation.
  8. (ongoing) MD to collate all UKCA parameters into ukca_constants in advance of removing duplicates already available in the UM and circulate details.
  9. (ongoing) JM to continue discussions with CJ regarding "Wet oxidation of SO2 in GLOMAP" and other issues regarding redundant code.
  10. (ongoing) AH to scope out reducing repetition of mode definitions in GLOMAP.
  11. (ongoing) MD to set up TS2000 nudged jobs at vn10.8.
  12. (ongoing) LA to add UKCA wiki page on using UKCA on the Virtual Machine.
  13. (new) LA to embolden all ALL actions in future meetings
  14. (new) FOC to arrange meeting between FOC, MR, MS, LA (& others who are interested) to sit down and decide a plan to move forward with OpenMP work, before new person starts.
  15. (new) LA to update Redundant code tables with above information
  16. (new) LA and MD to talk offline about releases.
  17. (new) LA to look into recording lectures at January 2018 training
  18. (new) LA to set-up doodle poll for sometime between 9th-28th February 2018.

Standing actions

  1. (ongoing - standing item) CMG to monitor list of bugs and circulate between group for owners.
  2. (ongoing - standing item) At CMG future meetings there should be included an appendix listing the open bugs. If a ticket is included it is not an open bug (as the owner of ticket is person doing lodging).
  3. (ongoing - standing item) ALL with access to keep monitoring ukca_bugs email list.
  4. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to think about if code changes will change KGO and let systems team know in good time, and remember to include the UKCA & SC0138 keywords to all UKCA tickets. This should be a standard part of our working practice.
  5. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to note, review, and remove obsolete/redundant code
  6. (ongoing - standing item) ALL closed ticket owners to produce a summary of their change for the UKCA newsletter
  7. (ongoing - standing item) Code Owner to produce draft newsletter for CMG to approve.

Bugs/Bugfixes (LA)

Open Bugs

# Description Ticket Owner Status/ Updates Comments from previous meeting Comments from this meeting
31 FP exceptions in asad_sparse_vars
or asad_spimjmp
#368 (MOSRS) Nick Savage leave open
35 Error in labelling: Surface resistance <--> stomatal resistance ? MOSRS #1409 Fiona O'Connor leave open
57 Incorrect logic for DMS anciliaries required #756 (MOSRS) Nick Savage Possibly close: JM to check impact
72 UKCA Dry Deposition: Surface resistance values
not set for some species
#1250 Alan Hewitt? leave open
74 Bug in ukca_tropopause with definition of PV tropopause #1283 Steven Hardiman leave ope
75 Bug in STE fluxes #1367 Fiona O'Connor leave open. still not sure what is going on
87 Possible issues with YSTORE in UKCA_CHEMISTRY_CTL. UM#3245 Colin Johnson/
Luke Abraham
leave open
92 UMDP084 incorrectly labels 38-476 ("Liquid cloud fraction") with units "m-3". It is a pure fraction (in the range 0.0 to 1.0) and so has no unit.
93 Inconsistent surface resistance values for organic hydro-peroxide (rooh) UM#3793 AlanJHewitt ???

Redundant Code (LA)

Code for deletion

# Description Ticket Remarks Status Owner
2 Old dry deposition scheme #2356 None PROPOSED Nick Savage
4 ukca_strat_update.F90 - relax_ozone #1505 None PROPOSED Nick Savage
5 Backward Euler Standard Tropospheric Chemistry #1507 None PROPOSED Nick Savage
6 Wet oxidation of SO2 in GLOMAP None None PROPOSED Colin Johnson
7 Updraft velocity #3668 Proposed in December 2017 PROPOSED Alan J Hewitt
8 All backward Euler chemistry schemes None None PROPOSED Luke Abraham

Depreciated code for future retirement

# Description Ticket Remarks Status Owner
1 Deprecated UKCA netcdf attribute options #2513 'emission_type', string type attributes no longer recommeneded. Need some time for most new code to adopt these DEPRECATED Nick Savage
2 Deprecated calculation of updraft velocity #3668 'l_conv_tke', logical recommended true DEPRECATED Alan J Hewitt

UKCA Release Job (LA/MD)

Highlights from vn11.0 (LA)

  • (LA) #3384: More rose-stem tests added, including:
    • Column-call StratTrop with processor decomposition tests (-S INTEGRATION_TESTING=true)
    • GA7/GA-dev tests using NR solver with offline oxidants
    • Improvements to VM tests to remove dependency on MPI_TASKS

Targets for vn11.1 (and beyond) (LA)


Tickets targeting vn11.1

# Description
#100 PM10 and PM2.5 diagnostics for MODE
#1250 UKCA dry deposition: surface resistance values not set for some species
#2689 Enable coupling of GLOMAP-MODE Aerosol to FAST-JX photolysis.
#2741 Addition of new diagnostic for the dry deposition flux of nitrogen
#2742 Addition of new diagnostic for the wet deposition flux of nitrogen
#2814 Allow UKCA Chemistry to work with aerosol climatologies
#2898 Input CO2 concentrations into UKCA when interactive CO2 is operational
#3028 Improve STASH section references related to UKCA components.
#3127 Investigate KGO differences in um_n48_ukca_eg app using GNU on the Cray
#3289 Removal of Backward Euler Std tropospheric chemistry
#3290 Removal of old dry deposition scheme using prescribed deposition velocities
#3292 Consolidate constant variables used by UKCA
#3367 Removing transport of peroxy radical tracers in Strattrop (CHeST)
#3547 Improve UKCA Lightning NOx scheme
#3718 Investigate issues with AGE-OF-AIR ON PRESSURE LEVELS (51-150)
#3726 rose stem testing for Section 54 - Activate
#3765 Continue to add functionality to use NetCDF GLOMAP-mode climatology fields to generate fields required by ACTIVATE
#3769 Time updating for glomap climatology
#3779 Improvements to the inline comments in ukca_option_mod
#3793 Consistant value of rooh for different number of tiles within ukca_surfddr

rose-stem tests (LA/AH)

When running rose-stem --group=ukca at the Met Office this runs (from vn11.0):

meto_xc40_n48_ukca_eg_omp_noios_gnu (in developer)
meto_xc40_n48_ga7_amip_2day (in developer)
meto_linux_n48_ga7_amip_12hr (in developer)
meto_linux_n48_ga7_amip_12hr_comp_check (in developer)

Note that the developer tests are no longer run with the ukca group.

Processor decomposition tests are now included for ukca and GA7/GA-dev NR offline oxidants when running with -S INTEGRATION_TESTING=true