Minutes of the code management group meeting 2015-05-06


Code management group minutes


Mohit Dalvi (MD), Coin Johnson (CJ), Nick Savage (NS), Fiona O'Connor (FOC), Nicolas Bellouin (NB), Luke Abraham (LA), Mark Richardson (MR), Graham Mann (GM), Janes Mulcahy (JM)

Apologies: Alex Archibald (AA)

Actions from this meeting

Teleconference Numbers

  • UK Freefone: 0800 917 1956
  • Participant passcode: 16231039 then #


  1. Minutes of the last meeing
  2. GA7.0 update
  3. Rose/Rose stem on MONSooN
  4. Bugfixes
  5. Targets for vn10.2
  6. LFRic
  7. A.O.B./D.N.M.
  8. Date of next meeting


Minutes of the last meeing

Actions carried forward from previous meetings

  1. JM to email LA, cc GM (re: GA7.0/SO2) - done
Action: JM to circulate email.
Action: JM/GM to talk offline regarding improvements
Action: JM to open ticket
  1. (ongoing) CJ to email LA re problems with SO2 diagnostics for emissions. Issues related to using ASAD diagnostics package. - ongoing
  2. (ongoing) CJ to put branch on PUMA email CMG location of branch to check details - ongoing
  3. (in progress) GM check 8.4 versus 7.3 GLOMAP-mode code and report any bug fixes to Mohit. - in progress(eye on GLOMAP-mode next version)
Change of action: GM to now add to bugfixes page rather than emailing MD.
  1. (ongoing) FOC to add in status and ticket numbers to each item (re: UKESM1 strategy document) - in progress
ownership transferred to Alistair Sellar who will add UKESM1 tickets. UM tickets done separately, and ticket numbers are recorded in UKESM1 tickets.
  1. (ongoing) FOC/NB/GM - discuss (9) offline (re: GLOMAP-mode coupling to FJX) - Apostolos Voulgarakis could also be included in this. Could this also link to the heterogenous chemistry task?
  2. (ongoing) ALL - feed in to FOC list of priorities. Items need an owner if people need it raised.
  3. LA to monitor NCAS-CMS plans for Rose stem, possibly ask for a subset
  4. (not done) Incorporate Bug #35 into dry deposition work - Federico Centoni (FC) wants to do some sensitivities - hold off until FCs assessment
  5. (ongoing) Bug #36 (ozone): FOC/Steven Hardiman to take on - see MOSRS ticket #102 (UKCA Bugfix for ozone column diagnostic calculation)
  6. FOC/MD to open some tickets and add them to the bugfixes page, also there are some from Action/Task 4 from Previous Meetings which need adding.
  7. GM/MR to update bugfix page with their bug involving model_levels/wet_levels (will there even be a distinction in future, and/or could we just add a trap on this?)
  8. NS to check with Glenn Greed about wet_levels.
  9. (ongoing - standing item) CMG to monitor list of bugs and circulate between group for owners
  10. (ongoing - standing item) At CMG future meetings there should be included an appendix listing the open bugs. If a ticket is included it is not an open bug (as the owner of ticket is person doing lodging).
  11. (ongoing) ALL to migrate tickets over to the shared repository (MOSRS).
  12. JM to link/send powerpoint results (re: GA7.0)
  13. MD to email round MONSooN Rose suite information when working
  14. MD to update suites to vn10.1
  15. JM to check GA7.0 timeline
  16. MD to email AS and ask about netCDF emissions apps at vn10.1.
  17. Bug #31: NS to outline possible options and to open a ticket
  18. Bug #38: GM to take on lodging this on the trunk
  19. Bug #41: FOC to follow this up and see if the netCDF code deals with this.
  20. Bug #41: LA to check about NMVOC in new emissions routine
  21. ALL with access to keep monitoring ukca_bugs email list.
  22. MR to send NS his vn8.6 branch.
  23. NS to contact MR about this work as it might impact him
  24. ALL to think about if code changes will change KGO and let systems team know in good time.
  25. LA to ask Glenn Greed about the order in which tickets are committed.
  26. ALL to read the LFRic documents
  27. FOC to arrange doodle poll for discussion after Easter and arrange 1.5 hour meeting.
  28. FOC/LA to catch-up with Matt Hort - FOC to follow up. FOC/LA to update document accordingly.
  29. LA to check with Ros/Grenville exactly how hard it will be to get vn7.3 working on MONSooN-Cray
  30. LA to clarify which other UM versions are planned to be ported.
  31. LA to email all UKCA MONSooN users and highlight deadlines on data porting

GA7.0 update

Rose/Rose stem on MONSooN


List of open bugs

Open bugs are classed as those with no associated ticket number and/or which are not classed as lodged.

  • #31 (FP exceptions in asad_sparse_vars or asad_spimjmp)
    Met Office ticket: #5616
    PUMA ticket: #555
    Comment: Temporary Work-around. May not work in all cases
    Previous Action: NS to outline possible options and to open a ticket.
  • #35 (Error in labelling: Surface resistance <--> stomatal resistance ?)
    Met Office ticket: #6417
    PUMA ticket: #653
    Comment: Awaiting input from Federico Centoni
    Previous Action: Holding off until assessment from Federico Centoni
  • #36 (Error in calculation of Column Ozone diagnostic)
    MOSRS ticket: #102
    Comment: To be lodged at vn10.2
    Previous Action: FOC to lodge
  • #38 (Missing logical for volcanic so2 emissions.)
    Met Office ticket: #6418
    PUMA ticket: #656
    Comment: To be Lodged
    Previous Action: GM to take on lodging this on the trunk
  • #41 (OC biomass burning emissions - incorrect conversion. Assumes emissions as kg POM, but (new) ancils are kg C)
    Met Office ticket: #6429
    Comment: To be lodged: Need to determine which ancils are POM vs C
    Note: netCDF emissions should explicitly deal with this, assuming that metadata is correct.
    Previous Action: FOC to follow this up and see if the netCDF code deals with this.
    Previous Action: LA to check about NMVOC in new emissions routine
  • #46 (Inconsistent use of wet_levels and model_levels in UKCA_AERO_CTL 1-D arrays)
    Met Office ticket: none
    Comment: Impact if wet_levels/= model_levels
    Previous Action: GM/MR to fix as part of other fixes
  • #47 (Dimension mismatch: q_chem, t_chem not considering extra level for ENDGame)
    Met Office ticket: #379 (MOSRS)
    Comment: To be lodged at UM10.2
  • #48 (Bugs in RADAER - dimensions, asymmetry param)
    Met Office ticket: #380 (MOSRS)
    Comment: To be lodged at UM10.2. Leads to div-by-zero error in rescale_phase_fnc
  • #49 (UKCA emissions: incorrect number, un-initialised slots in all_emissions())
    Met Office ticket: #381 (MOSRS)
    Comment: To be lodged at UM10.2
  • #50 (ukca_solve_coagnucl failures)
    Met Office ticket: #319 (MOSRS)
    Comment: Mainly a workaround. To be lodged at UM10.2

Targets for vn10.2

Code review submission deadline is 12th June 2015 for vn10.2


See also the LFRic discussion and draft UKCA-LFRic workplan circulated by LA.

Any other business/do not minute

Date of next meeing