Developing Releases Bugfixes

Revision as of 18:18, 29 November 2013 by Mdalvi (talk | contribs)

This page contains a listing of all the bugfixes required for the Developing releases.

Fast-JX dm_3d bug

The calculation of mass in ukca_fastjx.F90 is incorrect. This will affect low-top models more, but will also affect high-top models.

The line

     dm_3d(:,:,(model_levels+1))     = pz_3d(:,:,model_levels+1)/g 

should be replaced with

     dm_3d(:,:,(model_levels+1))     = pz_3d(:,:,model_levels)/g 

Please include the following branch in the PUMA UMUI


at revision 13624.

OH+MGLY reaction rate co-efficient bug

1. StratTrop (CheST chemistry) - Met Office

At UMvn8.2, existing branch vn8.2_ukca_update_rate_coeffs now includes bugfix - Revision 41942 without bugfix; Revision 61297 with bugfix

At UMvn8.4, updated rates (without bugfix) are on the trunk. Therefore, the bugfix is in a new branch called vn8.4_ukca_bugfix_strattrop_OHMGLY_rxnrate, revision no 61296.

2. StratTrop (CheST chemistry) - PUMA

At UMvn8.2, existing branch vn8.2_ukca_update_rate_coeffs now includes bugfix - Revision 9984 without bugfix; Revision 13625 with bugfix

At UMvn8.4, updated rates (without bugfix) lodged to the trunk. Therefore, the bugfix is in a new branch called vn8.4_ukca_bugfix_strattrop_OHMGLY_rxnrate, revision no 13627.

3. TropIsop (CheT) - Met Office

At UMvn8.4, existing branch vn8.4_ukca_update_tropisop_rate_coeffs now includes bugfix - Revision 58058 without bugfix; Revision 61298 with bugfix

4. TropIsop (CheT) - PUMA

At UMvn8.4, existing branch vn8.4_ukca_update_tropisop_rate_coeffs now includes bugfix - Revision 13358 without bugfix; Revision 13628 with bugfix

Lightning NOx improvements/fixes

This branch includes improvements to the Lightning emissions calculation (e.g. removing model resolution-dependance) as well as fixing minor a bug found in the flash calculation. The changes were lodged at vn8.3 and hence automatically available in the trunk for UM8.4 configurations.

The branch on PUMA at vn8.2 is : fcm:um_br/dev/foconnor/vn8.2_L-NOx_for_UKCA at revision 11908

The equivalent branch on Met Office FCM is: fcm:um_br/dev/hadfo/vn8.2_L-NOx_for_UKCA at revision 56098

Fixes for issues found at vn8.2

The various issues found soon after a major upgrade of UKCA at vn8.2 are part of a combined branch that was lodged subsequently at vn8.3. The bugs/fixes include:

1. Improper construction of filename for Background Aerosol data used for Fast-JX/ HetPSC 2. SO3 missing from UKCA_CSPECIES 3. MODE diagnostics indexing issue 4. Correct the methane initialisation when l_prescribe_ch4 option is selected 5. Logic for Heterogenous reactions under TropIsop Chemistry 6. String length differences in Strat+Trop reaction rate definition array 7. Incorrect Loop control for a Fast-JX routine 8. Remove N2O from lumped N species for Stratospheric Chemistry 9. Fix an initialisation issue that caused consecutive runs to give different results 10. Incorrect read-size for a Fast-JX lookup table 11. Minor write statement formatting issues 12. Minor variable/ array initialisation issues.

The branch on PUMA at vn8.2 is: fcm:um_br/dev/nhsavage/vn8.2_pkg_ukca_bugfixes at revision 9882

The branch on the Met Office FCM is: fcm:um_br/pkg/Share/vn8.2_pkg_ukca_bugfixes at revision 44169