UKCA Chemistry and Aerosol vn10.4 Tutorial 3

Revision as of 16:02, 22 November 2016 by Nla27 (talk | contribs)

UKCA Chemistry and Aerosol Tutorials at vn10.4

Add in

  1. UKCA Ozone on model theta levels daily mean to UPK
  2. Turn on pressure level diagnostics in UKCA panel (need for this will be retired at a later version)
  3. UKCA Ozone on pressure levels (DP36CCM) daily mean to UPK
  4. Heaviside Function on same pressure levels from s50 daily mean to UPK
  5. Change periodic re-init of UPK (pp10) to 1 day from 90 (not needed to fit files, but better for file management)
  • Remember to run the stashindicies.TidyStashTransform macro!

See u-ag308@21303

Time for re-run of fcm_make2_um = ~00:02:00

[16:50:53 luke@eslogin007 History_Data]$ convsh
convsh1.93 % readfile 0 ag308a.pk19880901
file ag308a.pk19880901 is a byte swapped 64 bit ieee um file 
convsh1.93 % list_fields 

 0    : 192   144   36    1     O3 MASS MIXING RATIO
 1    : 192   144   36    1     Molar flux density
 2    : 192   144   85    1     O3 MASS MIXING RATIO

convsh1.93 % 

See sample output in /work/n02/n02/ukca/Tutorial/vn10.4/sample_output/Task3.1

Written by Luke Abraham 2016