UKCA Chemistry and Aerosol UMvn13.0 Tutorial 2


UKCA Chemistry and Aerosol Tutorials at UMvn13.0

Difficulty EASY
Time to Complete Under 1 hour
Video instructions

Remember to run mosrs-cache-password in your Rose suite and UM branch terminals.

Changing UKCA Box Model Options

This tutorial describes how to change the time settings, meteorological conditions, tracer initialisations, chemistry, and aerosol options in the UKCA Box Model.

Changing the Box Model Time Settings

The time settings for the box model can be found in the ukca namelist Time Settings panel and the ukca namelist Science Settings Chemistry panel. The key variables are:

Panel Variable Description Example
Time Settings model_basis_time The nominal start time of the model, defined as YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND 1989,09,01,00,00,00 (i.e. midnight on 1st September 1989)
Time Settings run_target_end The run length of model, defined as YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS 0,0,1,0,0,0 (i.e. 1 day)
Time Settings steps_per_periodim The number of "dynamical" timesteps per "period" (a model day, containing the number of seconds given in the secs_per_periodim variable above) 24 (i.e. 1 hour)
Chemistry chem_timestep The number of seconds in a chemical timestep. This must be a multiple of the value of steps_per_periodim 3600 (i.e. 1 hour)

Task 2.1: Change the Start Time

O3 mass-mixing ratio when started from midday.

TASK 2.1: Change the start time of the model to begin at midday rather than midnight.

Once the run has finished, replot ozone and see how the shape of the graph has changed.

Task 2.2: Increase the run-length

O3 mass-mixing ratio when started from midday.

TASK 2.2: Increase the run length of the box model to 5 days.

Once the run has finished, replot ozone and see how the shape of the graph has changed.

Worked Solution to Task 2.1

The changes to Rose are:

Index: app/ukca/rose-app.conf
--- app/ukca/rose-app.conf	(revision 236285)
+++ app/ukca/rose-app.conf	(revision 236400)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@


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Tutorial 2

Written by Luke Abraham 2022