UKCA Chemistry and Aerosol Tutorial 10


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What you will learn in this Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn about how to run the GLOMAP-mode aerosol module with a different configuration re: which components are included in each mode. You will run a copy of the standard UKCA job which tracks organic carbon in two separate components -- one for the primary (emitted) organic carbon and one for secondary organic carbon formed following oxidation in the atmosphere.

Task 10.1: Understand how the GLOMAP aerosol module tracks aerosol species and modes

TASK 10.1: Read section 12 (page 32) of the UKCA UMDP and refer to Tables 18, 19 and 20 on pages 33, 34 and 35.

Task 10.2: Run the copy of the standard UKCA job tracking two OC components in the GLOMAP modes

Take a copy of the XXXXX job from the Tutorial experiment labelled two-component OC job and submit it for the 2-day run. Note that this uses the same branch as the standard job but allows you to run either the standard GLOMAP configuration in UKCA (MS2) or the two-component OC configuration (MS4).

Task 10.3 Examine the simulated organic carbon in each mode in original and two-component OC configuration

We recommend you use xconv for this task.---- Written by Graham Mann 2014