Solution to UKCA & UMUI Tutorial 7 Task 7.1

Revision as of 14:51, 24 June 2013 by Nla27 (talk | contribs)

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You were asked to

You should now add in the dry deposition of ALICE. This species deposits in a similar way to CO. You will need to adjust depvel_defs_scheme as well ukca_aerod.F90 and ukca_surfddr.F90. The values for depvel_defs_scheme are:

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

i.e. the same as for CO.

and were given the hint

The changes to ukca_surfddr.F90 can be made very easily by adding ALICE to the CO block in the CASE statement.


You will need to make changes to 3 UKCA routines and make 1 hand-edit.

Changes to ukca_chem_strattrop.F90

chch_defs array

First, you will need to change the 0 in the 6th column of the chch_defs_strattrop_chem to 1:

chch_t( 76,'ALICE     ',  1,'TR        ','          ',  1,  0,  0),  & !  76

Additions for depvel_defs

To add in the values for the deposition velocity into the depvel_defs_strattrop array you will need to

  • Increase the value of ndry_strattrop from 36 to 37
  • Increase the size of depvel_defs_strattrop03 from 360 to 390
  • Add this code block to end of the depvel_defs_strattrop03 array (remembering to add a comma to end of the line preceeding this)
  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  & !     37.1
  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  & !     37.2
  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  & !     37.3
  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  0.03,  & !     37.4
  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00   & !     37.5

Changes to ukca_aerod.F90

You will need to add the following block to the CASE statement within this routine

            CASE ('ALICE   ')
              d0(j) = d_h2o * SQRT(m_h2o / m_ALICE)

the value of m_ALICE having been set in Task 5.2 - adding new emissions to UKCA.

Changes to ukca_surfddr.F90

As has been noted in the hint for this task, the only change required to ukca_surfddr.F90 is to add 'ALICE ' to the CO section of the CASE statement:

            CASE ('CO        ','ALICE     ')
        rsurf(:,n)=(/3700.,7300.,4550.,1960.,4550.0,r_null,r_null,     &
          4550.0,r_null /)  ! Shrub+bare soil set to C3 grass (guess)


You will need to add a hand-edit to UMUI in the Model Selectiom → Input/Output Control and Resource → User hand edit files by placing it in the table and putting a Y in the Include Y/N column.

It should contain the following:

 JPDD = 37,

An example hand-edit can be found at


Worked Solution

Written by Luke Abraham 2013