Minutes of the code management group meeting 3/9/2013

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UKCA Code Management Meeting, 3rd September 2013 (tele-conference).

Met Office: Nick Savage (NS), Colin Johnson (CJ), Mohit Dalvi (MD), Jane Mulcahy (JM), Fiona O'Connor (FC)
Leeds: Graham Mann (GM), Sandip Dhomse (SD)
Cambridge: Luke Abraham

Summary of action points arising in the meeting

  • LA to check in more detail with Alex why the TropIsop/CheT + GLOMAP job is amber for chemistry.
  • JM to share evaluation of aerosol of 5 year job (annva) and check if sea salt in stratosphere is a spin up issue in amtjn. Share data for more in-depth chemistry evaluation related to build-up of N in stratosphere reported by Nicolas Bellouin at Uni. Reading in 7.3 TropIsop job.
  • LA/FC to check with Paul Telford if he has looked at various parts of the N budget in his research.
  • FC to check top boundary conditions in TropIsop/CheT are fit for purpose in high top model.
  • NS to check if code for putting stratospheric loss of CH4 is in UM trunk.
  • LA to co-ordinate on-going testing of StratTrop job investing problems in the chemistry performance (HNO3/OH too low).
  • FC to prioritise getting qpos experiment working in StratTrop job and will analyse fixed water vapour experiment.
  • CJ to upload all job details (both new dynamics and Endgame) and evaluation related to StratTropIsop/CheST+GLOMAP UM8.4 to UKCA wiki.
  • CJ/MD to make these jobs available on MonSooN.
  • NS to co-ordinate with LA to help him start working from an 8.4 job.

Decisions arising from meeting

Agreed aim to freeze the TropIsop/CheT + GLOMAP job as a suitable release job for model development work before board meeting on Monday 16th Sept 2013. Testing of new reaction rates in this job is desirable and agreed this could be done after freeze.


NS: Deadline for lodging code for UM 8.6 is imminent. So any open tickets need to be addressed. GM/NS/LA to chat offline about lodging relevant code.

Date of Next meeting

Early Oct. Doodle poll set up by NS: http://www.doodle.com/fa2vpm854s2z3gc5