Minutes of the code management group meeting 2017-07-14


Teleconference Details

Friday 14th July, 10am - 12noon

  • UK Freefone: 0800 9171956
  • Participant passcode: 51615813 then #


Met Office:





Actions from the Last Meeting

Minutes of the code management group meeting 2016-09-23

  1. (ongoing) GM to check 8.4 versus 7.3 (and possibly vn8.4 vs 10.x) GLOMAP-mode code and report any missing bug fixes on the bugfix page.
  2. (ongoing) FOC to incorporate Bug #35 and others into dry deposition work
  3. (ongoing) LA to migrate PUMA UM tickets to MOSRS
  4. (ongoing) UM #368 (RAFEPS value). Error not encountered at UM10.x but LA to consult Oliver Wild regarding background and implications.
  5. (ongoing) LA to check doc for NVOC factor and open ticket to remove it from code
  6. (ongoing) CJ to lodge STASHmaster changes to diagnostics that should make use of UKCA time availability codes
  7. (ongoing) CJ,FOC,AH,AS,LA and John H to decide best way forward for implementing GLOMAP-climatology code and documentation.
  8. (ongoing) JM,BJ,NB to discuss incorporation of Nicolas' RADAER description into UKCA (or separate UMDP). JM to take lead.
  9. (ongoing) FOC to open ticket + Bugfixes Table entry related to 'Unable to calculate tropopause' warnings
  10. (updated) MD to setup Strat+Trop suite as soon as GA7.1 is frozen and also add to Rose-stem. MD set-up/replace current Rose stem job with GA7.1 jobs.
  11. (ongoing) CJ to involve NS in discussions with Dynamics and UM-sys teams regarding movement of UKCA call, for effective implementation of water vapour feedback.
  12. (ongoing) FOC to recommend at next Exec meeting a policy of allowing only CMG to (certify and) distribute any UKCA configurations for science purpose.
  13. (new) MD to chase CMS about MASS archiving
  14. (new) NS to collate all code that could be removed and put on Wiki
  15. (new) LA to do doodle poll for end of Nov/ start of Dec

Standing actions

  1. (ongoing - standing item) CMG to monitor list of bugs and circulate between group for owners.
  2. (ongoing - standing item) At CMG future meetings there should be included an appendix listing the open bugs. If a ticket is included it is not an open bug (as the owner of ticket is person doing lodging).
  3. (ongoing - standing item) JM to continue to link/send powerpoint results (re: GA7.0/GA7.1), as new configurations released and link/put files on UKCA wiki.
  4. (ongoing - standing item) ALL with access to keep monitoring ukca_bugs email list.
  5. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to think about if code changes will change KGO and let systems team know in good time. This should be a standard part of our working practice.
  6. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to review and remove obsolete code