Minutes of the code management group meeting 2015-09-18


Code management group minutes


Nick Savage (NS), Fiona O'Connor (FOC), Alan Hewitt (AH), Nicolas Bellouin (NB), Mark Richardson (MR), Jane Mulcahy (JM), Zak Kipling (ZK), Alex Archibald (AA)

Apologies: Luke Abraham (LA), Mohit Dalvi (MD), Colin Johnson (CJ), Graham Mann (GM)

Actions from this meeting

One off actions

  1. (ongoing) JM/GM to talk offline regarding improvements.
  2. (ongoing) JM to open ticket. JM to check which ticket this referred to.
  3. (ongoing) CJ to email LA re problems with SO2 diagnostics for emissions. Issues related to using ASAD diagnostics package.
  4. (ongoing) CJ to put branch on PUMA email CMG location of branch to check details.
  5. (ongoing) GM check 8.4 versus 7.3 GLOMAP-mode code and report any bug fixes the bugfix page.
  6. (ongoing) FOC/NB/GM - discuss (9) offline (re: GLOMAP-mode coupling to FJX) - Apostolos Voulgarakis could also be included in this. Could this also link to the heterogenous chemistry task? . Agreed that Paul Griffiths to be asked to do this.
  7. (ongoing) Incorporate Bug #35 into dry deposition work - Federico Centoni (FC) wants to do some sensitivities - hold off until FCs assessment - still waiting.
  8. (ongoing) ALL to migrate tickets over to the shared repository (MOSRS). Some people have done this, but not all ticket migrated yet.
  9. (ongoing) NS to continue with lodging ticket #368 quick fix. A proposed fix to the value of RAFEPS allowing just one line to have a scaling factor on a namelist has been developed but NS is concerned about implementing it it due to his lack of understanding the code. Implementation will be pending the next action.
  10. (ongoing) LA to contact Oliver Wild regarding NR solver. In particular to ask advice on the use of the increased value of rafeps to prevent model failures. How safe is this, and is there a better solution?
  11. (in progress) Bug #38: GM to take on lodging this on the trunk.
  12. (ongoing) JM to contact Alistair Sellar and check on criticality of bug #38 (volcanic emissions) for UKESM1.
  13. (ongoing) LA to check doc for NVOC factor and open ticket to remove it from code.
  14. (ongoing) FOC to raise with Ben Shipway (as well as MH from previous LFRic meeting) regarding when aerosols will be needed for LFRic.
  15. (ongoing) FOC to raise with David Walters about aerosol climatologies for LFRic. '
  16. FOC to follow up about Rose stem on MONSooN.
  17. JM to put the branch to fix nucleation diagnostics in the microphysics on the bug fixes wiki together with a list of changes need to aerosol tunings.
  18. JM to prepare some slides on the impact of the bug in the microphyics on aerosol and upload to this wiki.
  19. NB and James to look at the impact of the bug in the microphyics and the tunings needed to go with it on performance in a GA4 job.
  20. NB to add branch for GA4 job to UKCA wiki bug fixes table.
  21. NS to add owner and CLOSED/OPEN items in bugs table.
  22. FOC to open a doodle poll for December and 2nd Week January.

Standing actions

  1. (ongoing - standing item) CMG to monitor list of bugs and circulate between group for owners.
  2. (ongoing - standing item) At CMG future meetings there should be included an appendix listing the open bugs. If a ticket is included it is not an open bug (as the owner of ticket is person doing lodging).
  3. (ongoing - standing item) JM to continue to link/send powerpoint results (re: GA7.0), as new configurations released and link/put files on UKCA wiki.
  4. (ongoing) ALL with access to keep monitoring ukca_bugs email list.
  5. (ongoing) ALL to think about if code changes will change KGO and let systems team know in good time. This should be a standard part of our working practice.

Teleconference Numbers

  • UK Freefone: 0800 9171956
  • Participant passcode: 89264837 then #


  1. Actions from the last meeting
  2. GA7.0 update
  3. UKCA Rose suites
  4. Rose/Rose stem on MONSooN
  5. Bugfixes
  6. Targets for vn10.3
  7. LFRic
  8. A.O.B./D.N.M.
  9. Date of next meeting


Actions from 2015-05-06

  1. JM to circulate GA7.0 email. Done
  2. JM/GM to talk offline regarding improvements. Ongoing
  3. JM to open ticket. Ongoing - JM to check.
  4. (ongoing) CJ to email LA re problems with SO2 diagnostics for emissions. Issues related to using ASAD diagnostics package. Ongoing
  5. (ongoing) CJ to put branch on PUMA email CMG location of branch to check details. Ongoing
  6. (in progress) GM check 8.4 versus 7.3 GLOMAP-mode code and report any bug fixes the bugfix page. Ongoing
  7. (in progress) Alistair Sellar to add in status and UKESM1 ticket numbers to each item (re: UKESM1 strategy document). Done
  8. (ongoing) FOC/NB/GM - discuss (9) offline (re: GLOMAP-mode coupling to FJX) - Apostolos Voulgarakis could also be included in this. Could this also link to the heterogenous chemistry task? . Ongoing Agreed that Paul Griffiths to be asked to do this.
  9. (in progress) ALL - feed in to Alistair Sellar list of priorities. Items need an owner if people need it raised. Done
  10. FOC to raise Rose stem with UM Systems Team, then LA may raise at UMPB or FOC with JWCR. Done. UM systems team supportive. FOC to follow up.
  11. LA to contact MONSooN team about Rose stem on MONSooN. Done
  12. (not done) Incorporate Bug #35 into dry deposition work - Federico Centoni (FC) wants to do some sensitivities - hold off until FCs assessment - still waiting. Ongoing
  13. FOC to follow-up with FC. Done. FC still evaluating impacts when the bug fix is applied to all species and not just ozone.
  14. (in progress) Bug #36 (ozone): FOC/Steven Hardiman to take on - see MOSRS ticket #102 (UKCA Bugfix for ozone column diagnostic calculation) Done
  15. NS to discuss wet_levels with Glenn Greed. Done. Note that since New Dynamic (UM6.0 onwards) models have been unable to run with wet_levels not equal to model levels.
  16. NS to possibly add-in run-time check for wet_levels for vn10.2, or remove from namelists and set to model_levels(?) Done. Wet levels has been removed from the model as of 10.3 by UM systems team.
  17. (ongoing - standing item) CMG to monitor list of bugs and circulate between group for owners. Ongoing
  18. (ongoing - standing item) At CMG future meetings there should be included an appendix listing the open bugs. If a ticket is included it is not an open bug (as the owner of ticket is person doing lodging). Ongoing
  19. (ongoing) ALL to migrate tickets over to the shared repository (MOSRS). Some people have done this, but not all ticket migrated yet. Ongoing
  20. (in progess) JM to link/send powerpoint results (re: GA7.0), updated to latest configuration and link/put files on UKCA wiki. Done. JM to continue to update this as new candidates are evaluated.
  21. (in progress) MD to update suites to vn10.1. Done. 10.2 suites are also available. (see later)
  22. NS to continue with lodging ticket #368 quick fix. A proposed fix to the value of RAFEPS allowing just one line to have a scaling factor on a namelist has been developed but NS is concerned about implementing it it due to his lack of understanding the code. Ongoing. Implementation will be pending the next action.
  23. LA to contact Oliver Wild regarding NR solver. Ongoing
  24. (in progress) Bug #38: GM to take on lodging this on the trunk. Ongoing
  25. JM to contact Alistair Sellar and check on criticality of bug #38 for UKESM1.
  26. FOC to check documentation for emissions units. Done
  27. (in progress) LA to check about NMVOC in new emissions routine. Done
  28. LA to check doc for NVOC factor and open ticket to remove it from code. Ongoing
  29. (ongoing) ALL with access to keep monitoring ukca_bugs email list. . Ongoing
  30. (ongoing) ALL to think about if code changes will change KGO and let systems team know in good time.. Ongoing. This should be a standard part of our working practice.
  31. LA to wait until after Exec on 2015-05-08 to contact Jeremy Walton regarding vn7.3 on MONSooN Cray. Done. UM7.3 is available on Monsoon-cray.
  32. NS to contact Steve Mullerworth for information on Limited Area LFRic and UKCA should start to work with it. Done. Nothing happening in the short term on LAMs and so too soon for us to engage over this.
  33. FOC to raise with Ben Shipway (as well as MH from previous LFRic meeting) regarding when aerosols will be needed. Ongoing
  34. FOC to raise with David Walters about aerosol climatologies. Ongoing
  35. LA to open a doodle poll for 18th June to end of June.. Done

GA7.0 update

JM reported on GA7 progress. The main work done since the last meeting has been in response to the discovery of a bug in the nucleation scavenging diagnostics which are inputs to UKCA. These were found to be approximately x10 too low with major impacts on aerosol once these were correct. A package of new tunings has been carried out in response to this, mostly adding a paramterisation to account the fraction of a gridbox which is raining and changes to impaction coefficients from snow. This has led to an overall improvement in performance but there is a a negative impact on TOA radiation. Actions resultiing:

  1. JM to put the branch to fix nucleation diagnostics in the microphysics on the bug fixes wiki together with a list of changes need to aerosol tunings.
  2. JM to prepare some slides on the impact of the bug in the microphyics on aerosol and upload to this wiki.
  3. NB and James to look at the impact of the bug in the microphyics and the tunings needed to go with it on performance in a GA4 job.
  4. NB to add branch for GA4 job to UKCA wiki bug fixes table.

UKCA Rose suites

Mohit has prepared two rose suites at UM10.2:

  1. UM10.2+UKCA StratTrop + GLOMAP + Rad+Activate + NetCDF emiss on MONSooN Cray --for branch testing/ development only = u-aa411 (by Jeremy Walton). https://code.metoffice.gov.uk/trac/roses-u/browser/a/a/4/1/1
  2. UM10.2 + GA6(ver136.17) + StratTrop+ GLOMAP + Rad + Activate + NetCDF emiss on Met Office Cray = mi-ah744. This is being assessed with a decadal run before porting to MONSooN.

Appendix - open bugs