MONSooN IBM to Cray Transition

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This page details porting efforts of various UKCA configurations from the MONSooN ibm02 system to the xcml00 system.

Some central information can be found here:

Currently MOOSE archiving is not working for vn7.3 or vn8.4. You should check the collaboration twiki page regularly.

vn8.4 HadGEM3 GA4.0 UKCA CheST+GLOMAP-mode RJ4.0

As this job is already configured to run on ARCHER, there were no code changes required. In the differences below, xlsjc is the xcml00 job, and xlsjw is the ibm02 job.

Relevant changes:

Job xlsjc Title cp w: RJ4.0 MONSooN xcm GA4.0 vn8.4 UKCA CheST+GLOMAP-mode TS2000
Job xlsjw Title RJ4.0 MONSooN ibm02 GA4.0 vn8.4 UKCA CheST+GLOMAP-mode TS2000
Difference in window personal_gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Submit Method
     -> General details
Radio button: Account
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'External'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive
Entry box: Account name:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'ukca-cam'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive
Check box: Override Met Office user's default IBM Account Group
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Entry box: Mail-id for notification of end-of-run
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to ''
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nomail'
Entry box: Target Machine user-id:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nlabra'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'USERID'

Difference in window subindep_SubmitMethod
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Submit Method
     -> Job submission method
Entry box: Host name
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'xcml00'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'ibm02'
Radio button: Define submission method
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to qsub' for PBS Pro (Cray XC40)'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'LoadLeveler'

Difference in window subindep_FileDir
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Time Convention and SCRIPT Environment Variables.
Differences in Table Defined Environment Variables for Directories
<  UKCA_DIR /projects/ukca-admin/inputs
<  UKCA_EMISS $UKCA_DIR/ancil/N96L85/emiss
<  UKCA_INIT $UKCA_DIR/initial
<  DATADIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra
>  UKCA_EMISS /projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/N96L85/emiss
>  UKCA_INIT /projects/ukca/inputs/initial

Difference in window subindep_HandEdit
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> User hand edit files
Differences in Table Hand edits
<  ~ukca/hand_edits/VN8.4/raderv2.0_vn84_MONSooN_XC40.ed Y
>  ~ukca/hand_edits/VN8.4/raderv2.1_vn84_MONSooN.ed Y

Difference in window subindep_FCM_Gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Extract directories and Output levels
Entry box: Target machine root extract directory (UM_ROUTDIR)
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/$USERID'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/$USERID'

Difference in window subindep_FCM_UM_Opt
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Options for Atmosphere and Reconfiguration
Check box: Use precompiled build
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'OFF'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'ON'
Entry box: Container file name and location (UM_CONTAINER)
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UM_SVN_BIND/container.cfg@vn8.4_cfg'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '$UM_SVN_BIND/container.cfg'
Entry box: Bindings location (UM_SVN_BIND)
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'fcm:um_br/dev/um/vn8.4_machine_cfg/src/configs/bindings'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '$UM_SVN_URL/src/configs/bindings'

Difference in window subindep_Compile
 -> Model Selection
   -> Compilation and Run Options
     -> Compile and run options for Atmosphere and Reconfiguration
Check box: Compile Reconfiguration executable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Entry box: Directory for the Reconfiguration executable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$DATAW/bin'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/Tutorial/vn8.4/prebuilds/Base/bin'

Difference in window subindep_Compile_User
 -> Model Selection
   -> Compilation and Run Options
     -> UM User Override Files
Differences in Table User file overrides
<  ~luke/overrides/vn8.4/ARCHER_cce_vn804_acumps Y
>  ~luke/overrides/vn8.4/ibm_xlf_vn804_acumps Y

Difference in window atmos_Science_Section_UKCA_Rad
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Scientific Parameters and Sections
       -> Section by section choices
         -> Section 34: UKCA Chemistry and Aerosols
           -> UKCA Chemistry Coupling
             -> MODE Aerosols in Radiation Scheme
Entry box: Directory path to UKCA_RADAER input files:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_DIR/spectral/radv2.1'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/spectral/radv2.1'
Entry box: Look-up table for accumulation-mode aerosols in the longwave:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nml_ac_lw_new'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nml_ac_lw'
Entry box: Look-up table for accumulation-mode aerosols in the shortwave:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nml_ac_sw_new'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nml_ac_sw'
Entry box: Look-up table for coarse-mode aerosols in the longwave:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nml_cr_lw_new'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nml_cr_lw'
Entry box: Look-up table for coarse-mode aerosols in the shortwave:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nml_cr_sw_new'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nml_cr_sw'

Difference in window atmos_InFiles_Start
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Ancillary and input data files
       -> Start dump
Entry box: Directory name or DATAW
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_INIT'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/initial'

Difference in window atmos_InFiles_PAncil_SST
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Ancillary and input data files
       -> Climatologies & potential climatologies
         -> Sea surface temperatures
Entry box: Directory name or Environment Variable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_DIR/ancil/surf'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/surf'

Difference in window atmos_InFiles_PAncil_Seaice
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Ancillary and input data files
       -> Climatologies & potential climatologies
         -> Sea ice fields
Entry box: Enter directory or Environment Variable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_DIR/ancil/surf'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/surf'

Difference in window atmos_InFiles_PAncil_SulpEmis
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Ancillary and input data files
       -> Climatologies & potential climatologies
         -> Sulphur-Cycle Emissions (2D)
Entry box: Enter directory or Environment Variable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_DIR/ancil/surf'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/surf'

Difference in window subindep_ResQsub
Path to subindep_ResQsub not in navigation tree
Difference in variable CJTLIM2
 Job xlsjc: 10800
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive
Check box: Use Hyperthreads
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive
Radio button: Class name
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'normal'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive

Additional/highlighted changes to note

  • DATADIR currently needs to be manually set
  • The project code is site dependent, and is not set by default: ukca-cam
  • Note the move to site based directories: e.g. /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra
  • The shared inputs directory is now under ukca-admin: /projects/ukca-admin/inputs
  • Pre-compiled builds should be turned off, and the location of the reconfiguration executable needs to be set.

Due to time constraints, no scaling testing or other NRUN/CRUN etc. tests have been performed. This will be remedied in several weeks time. Until then, a copy of the xcm job will not be copied to the xlav central experiment under the ukca UMUI user.

vn7.3 HadGEM3-AO r2.0 UKCA CheS

This does configuration not currently run on ARCHER. In the differences below, xlsje is the xcml00 job, and xlsju is the ibm02 job.

Relevant changes:

Job xlsje Title cp u QESM-AO-UKCA xcm
Job xlsju Title cp j with new archiving + TOA temp fix branch
Difference in window personal_gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Target Machine
     -> General details
Entry box: Tic Code
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to 'ukca-cam'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to 'n02-qesm'

Difference in window subindep_Target_Machine
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Target Machine
     -> Target Machine
Entry box: Machine name
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to 'xcml00'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to 'ibm02'
Entry box: Number of PEs for NEMO
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '16'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '3'
Entry box: Define the number of processors East-West. (Must be 1 or an even number).
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '8'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '6'
Entry box: Define the number of processors North-South
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '12'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '10'
Radio button: 
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to 'other (enter machine name below)'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to 'IBM (enter machine name below)'

Difference in window subindep_Control
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> General Configuration and Control
Entry box: Define the directory holding a full set of STASHmaster files
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N96L85/new'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N96L85/new'

Difference in window subindep_ScriptMod
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Script Inserts and Modifications
Check box: Using bottom and top script inserts
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to 'OFF'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to 'ON'

Difference in window subindep_FileDir
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Time Convention and SCRIPT Environment Variables.
Entry box: DATAM            : Define the directory for written output with time-stamped names
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '$DATADIR/$RUNID'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '$WORKDIR/$RUNID'
Entry box: DATAW            : Define the directory for other output file
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '$DATADIR/$RUNID'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '$WORKDIR/$RUNID'
Differences in Table Defined Environment Variables for Directories
<  UKCA_L60_DIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
<  ANCIL_ATMOS /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
<  ANCIL_LAND /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
>  UKCA_L60_DIR /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
>  ANCIL_ATMOS /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
>  ANCIL_LAND /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
<  AO_DIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup
<  DATADIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra
>  AO_DIR /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup

Difference in window subindep_JobRes
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Job submission, resources and re-submission pattern
Entry box: Job memory limit (See Help text)
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '4'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '1.5'
Entry box: Job time limit
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '2400'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '10800'
Radio button: Define submission method
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to qsub' for PBS Pro (CRAY XC40)'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to 'Loadleveler for IBM platform'

Difference in window subindep_JobRes2
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Job submission, resources and re-submission pattern
       -> Follow on window
Entry box: Job time limit, for QSUB
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '2400'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '10800'

Difference in window subindep_HandEdit
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> User hand edit files
Differences in Table Hand edits
>  ~ros/HadGEM3-A/vn7.3/HGPKG1/ibm_modules.scr Y
<  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1/CheS-FJX_AO_MONSooN_TS2000_FJXNov11_xcm.ed Y
>  ~annette/hadgem3/hand_edits/vn7.3_oasis_nproc.ed N
>  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1/CheS-FJX_AO_MONSooN_TS2000_FJXNov11.ed Y
>  ~luke/hand_edits/new_archiving.ed Y
<  ~annette/hadgem3/hand_edits/new_archiving_cpl.ed Y

Difference in window smcc_OASIS_Coupling
 -> Model Selection
   -> Sub-Model Configurations and Coupling
     -> OASIS Coupling Switches and Options
Entry box: Location of OASIS3 build
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '/projects/um1/oasis/oasis3_2.5/20071228_nc432_03_noOMP/prism/crayxc40'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '/projects/um1/oasis/oasis3_2.5/20071228_prg360_debug/prism/ibm_power6'

Difference in window subindep_FCM_Gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Extract and Build directories and Output levels
Entry box: Target machine root extract directory (UM_ROUTDIR)
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/$USERID'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/$USERID'

Difference in window subindep_FCM_UM_Opt
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Options for Atmosphere and Reconfiguration
Differences in Table User Modifications
<  fcm:um_br/dev/annette/vn7.3_nemocice_improvements_cray/src 19914 Y
>  fcm:um_br/dev/annette/VN7.3_nemocice_improvements_ukmo/src 3275 Y
<  fcm:um_br/pkg/Config/VN7.3_ncas/src  Y
>  fcm:um_br/pkg/Config/VN7.3_ncas/src 4847 Y
<  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/VN7.3_UKCA_CheM_vn1.1/src 19933 Y
>  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/VN7.3_UKCA_CheM_vn1.1/src 11994 Y

Difference in window subindep_FCM_NEMO_Opt
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Options for NEMO
Entry box: Job configuration file
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '~umui/hadgem3/vn7.3/cfg/nemo3_base_cce.cfg'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '~luke/merge_files/cfg/nemo_3.0_base_monsoon.cfg'
Entry box: FPP keys configuration file
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '~annette/hadgem3/cfg/nemokeys_orca2_hadgem3_4by4.cfg'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '~annette/hadgem3/cfg/nemokeys_orca2_hadgem3_1by3.cfg'

Difference in window subindep_FCM_CICE_Opt
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Options for CICE
Entry box: Job configuration file
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '~umui/hadgem3/vn7.3/cfg/cice4_base_cce.cfg'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '~luke/merge_files/cfg/cice4_base_monsoon.cfg'
Entry box: FPP keys configuration file
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '~annette/hadgem3/cfg/cicekeys_orca2_hadgem3_8by2.cfg'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '~annette/hadgem3/cfg/cicekeys_orca2_hadgem3_3by1.cfg'

Difference in window subindep_Compile_User
 -> Model Selection
   -> Compilation and Modifications
     -> UM User Override Files
Differences in Table User file overrides
<  ~umui/overrides/monsoon_cce_7.3_file Y
<  ~umui/hadgem3/vn7.3/overrides/oasis_file_monsoon_cce_7.3 Y
>  /home/annette/hadgem3/monsoon_overrides/oasis_file_ibm_p6_vn7.3_monsoon Y

Differences in Table User machine overrides
<  ~umui/overrides/monsoon_cce_7.3_machine Y
<  ~umui/hadgem3/vn7.3/overrides/oasis_mach_monsoon_cce_7.3 Y
<  ~ukca/comp_overides/xcm_mach.ovr Y
>  /home/luke/merge_files/StratChem/gcom3.4_MONSooN Y
>  /home/annette/hadgem3/monsoon_overrides/oasis_mach_ibm_p6_vn7.3_monsoon N
>  /home/luke/merge_files/ovrrds/oasis_mach_ibm_p6_vn7.3_monsoon_p2 Y
>  /home/umui/overrides/monsoon/2c_netcdf_7.3-7.4.ovr N
>  /home/luke/merge_files/ovrrds/2c_netcdf_7.3-7.4.ovr N

Difference in window subindep_Recon_Gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> Reconfiguration
     -> General Reconfiguration Options
Entry box: Define the number of processors East-West
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '16'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '8'

Difference in window nemo_Science_Link
 -> Model Selection
   -> NEMO
     -> Scientific Parameters and Sections
       -> Links to NEMO model
Entry box: NEMO Model control namelist
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup/namelist_GeoMIP_1m'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup/namelist_GeoMIP_1m'
Entry box: NEMO start dump
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup/'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup/'

Difference in window cice_Science_Link
 -> Model Selection
   -> CICE
     -> Scientific Parameters and Sections
       -> Links to CICE model
Entry box: CICE Model control namelist
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup/ice_in_GeoMIP_1m_Dec'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup/ice_in_GeoMIP_1m_Dec'
Entry box: CICE start dump
 Job xlsje: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup/xhnypi.restart.2828-12-01-00000_reset'
 Job xlsju: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/AO_spinup/xhnypi.restart.2828-12-01-00000_reset'

Additional/highlighted changes to note

  • DATADIR currently needs to be manually set
  • The project code is site dependent, and is not set by default: ukca-cam
  • Note the move to site based directories: e.g. /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra
  • What is not visible in the differences, is that the default archiving branch has changed. It needs to be set to fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_HG3-A_qsserver_mod/src at revision 19702. This is used in conjunction with the ~annette/hadgem3/hand_edits/new_archiving_cpl.ed hand-edit mentioned above.
  • vn7.3 UKCA code contains a number of hard-coded paths which are set by compiler pre-processor statements. This can be see in PUMA changeset [19933], and can be applied using the patchfile /home/luke/temp/vn7.3_xcm_patch

Due to time constraints, no scaling testing or other NRUN/CRUN etc. tests have been performed, other than testing a 3-month run with 1-month jobsteps.

vn7.3 HadGEM3-A r2.0 UKCA CheST

This does configuration not currently run on ARCHER, although similar CheT and CheS configurations do. In the differences below, xlsjf is the xcml00 job, and xlsjt is the ibm02 job.

Relevant changes:

Job xlsjf Title cp t XCM vn7.3 CheST + vn8.4 SSTs/emis
Job xlsjt Title cp o extra diagnostics vn7.3 CheST + vn8.4 SSTs/emis
Difference in window personal_gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Target Machine
     -> General details
Entry box: Tic Code
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to 'ukca-cam'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to 'n02-qesm'

Difference in window subindep_Target_Machine
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Target Machine
     -> Target Machine
Entry box: Machine name
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to 'xcml00'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to 'ibm02'
Entry box: Define the number of processors North-South
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to '12'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to '8'
Radio button: 
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to 'other (enter machine name below)'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to 'IBM (enter machine name below)'

Difference in window subindep_Control
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> General Configuration and Control
Entry box: Define the directory holding a full set of STASHmaster files
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N96L85/new'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N96L85/new'

Difference in window subindep_ScriptMod
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Script Inserts and Modifications
Differences in Table Defined Environment Variables
>  XLFRTEOPTS buffering=disable_all

Difference in window subindep_Output
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Output choices
Check box: Information on I/O operations (F_FILEINF=DETAIL)
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Check box: Information on Program operations (F_PROGINF=DETAIL)
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Check box: Report STASH messages
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to 'OFF'

Difference in window subindep_FileDir
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Time Convention and SCRIPT Environment Variables.
Entry box: DATAM            : Define the directory for written output with time-stamped names
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to '$DATADIR/$RUNID'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to '$WORKDIR/$RUNID'
Entry box: DATAW            : Define the directory for other output file
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to '$DATADIR/$RUNID'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to '$WORKDIR/$RUNID'
Differences in Table Defined Environment Variables for Directories
<  QESM_DIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
>  QESM_DIR /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
<  CheST_ANCILS /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_CheST
<  N48DIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60
<  DATADIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra
>  CheST_ANCILS /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST
>  ACCMIP_ANCILS /projects/ukca/aarchi/ACCMIP_ANCILS
>  N48DIR /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60

Difference in window subindep_JobRes
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Job submission, resources and re-submission pattern
Entry box: Job memory limit (See Help text)
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to '4'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to '1.5'
Entry box: Job time limit
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to '2700'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to '10800'
Radio button: Define submission method
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to qsub' for PBS Pro (CRAY XC40)'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to 'Loadleveler for IBM platform'

Difference in window subindep_JobRes2
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Job submission, resources and re-submission pattern
       -> Follow on window
Entry box: Job time limit, for QSUB
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to '2700'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to '10800'

Difference in window subindep_HandEdit
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> User hand edit files
Differences in Table Hand edits
>  ~ros/HadGEM3-A/vn7.3/HGPKG1/ibm_modules.scr Y
>  ~jeff/umui_jobs/hand_edits/archiving_7.3 Y
>  ~luke/merge_files/hand_edits/ll_dev_class_full_64cpu.ed N
<  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1/FastJX_MONSooN_Nov11_XCM.ed Y
<  ~annette/hadgem3/hand_edits/new_archiving_std.ed Y
>  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1/FastJX_MONSooN_Nov11.ed Y
>  ~luke/merge_files/hand_edits/use_64cpu.ed N

Difference in window subindep_FCM_Gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Extract and Build directories and Output levels
Entry box: Target machine root extract directory (UM_ROUTDIR)
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/$USERID'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/$USERID'

Difference in window subindep_FCM_UM_Opt
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Options for Atmosphere and Reconfiguration
Differences in Table User Modifications
<  fcm:um_br/dev/ros/VN7.3_HadGEM3-A_r2.0_fixes/src  Y
<  fcm:um_br/pkg/Config/VN7.3_ncas/src  Y
>  fcm:um_br/dev/ros/VN7.3_HadGEM3-A_r2.0_fixes/src 1885 Y
>  fcm:um_br/pkg/Config/VN7.3_ncas/src 3330 Y
<  fcm:um_br/dev/jeff/VN7.3_HadGEM3-A_r2.0_hector_monsoon_archiving/src 13558 N
>  fcm:um_br/dev/jeff/VN7.3_HadGEM3-A_r2.0_hector_monsoon_archiving/src 13558 Y
<  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_UKCA_CheST_NOy_Diags/src 19937 N
<  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_HG3-A_qsserver_mod/src 19702 Y
<  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_TOA_Temp_Fix/src 12135 Y
<  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_UKCA_CheST/src 19950 Y
>  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_UKCA_CheST_NOy_Diags/src 14213 Y

Difference in window subindep_Compile_User
 -> Model Selection
   -> Compilation and Modifications
     -> UM User Override Files
Check box: Including the following list of user file overrides
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Differences in Table User file overrides
<  ~umui/overrides/monsoon_cce_7.3_file Y
<  ~ukca/comp_overides/hector_cce_7.3_asad_chem_diags Y
>  /home/luke/merge_files/qdealloc_ukca_ovr N
>  /home/ata27/hand_edits/chem1_dat_noopt.ovr N

Differences in Table User machine overrides
<  ~umui/overrides/monsoon_cce_7.3_machine Y
<  ~ukca/comp_overides/xcm_mach.ovr Y
>  /home/luke/merge_files/StratChem/gcom3.4_MONSooN N
>  /home/umui/overrides/monsoon/2c_netcdf_7.3-7.4.ovr Y

Difference in window subindep_Recon_Gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> Reconfiguration
     -> General Reconfiguration Options
Entry box: Define the number of processors East-West
 Job xlsjf: Entry is set to '12'
 Job xlsjt: Entry is set to '8'

Difference in window atmos_STASH_UserProgs
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> STASH
       -> Initialisation of User Prognostics
Differences in Table Specify Initialisation Option
<  Blank Blank 7  /projects-cam/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/topog_index_mean
<  Blank Blank 7  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/topog_index_stdev
>  Blank Blank 7  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/topog_index_mean
>  Blank Blank 7  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/topog_index_stdev
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_untransformed.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_untransformed.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
<  Blank Blank 3 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
<  Blank Blank 3 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 1 Blank /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST/CheST_ini.anc
>  Blank Blank 3 Blank /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc
>  Blank Blank 3 Blank /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/CCMVal_init_StratChem_N48L60.anc

Additional/highlighted changes to note

  • DATADIR currently needs to be manually set
  • The project code is site dependent, and is not set by default: ukca-cam
  • Note the move to site based directories: e.g. /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra
  • What is not visible in the differences, is that the default archiving branch has changed. It needs to be set to fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_HG3-A_qsserver_mod/src at revision 19702. This is used in conjunction with the ~annette/hadgem3/hand_edits/new_archiving_std.ed hand-edit mentioned above.
  • vn7.3 UKCA code contains a number of hard-coded paths which are set by compiler pre-processor statements. This can be see in PUMA changeset [19933], and can be applied using the patchfile /home/luke/temp/vn7.3_xcm_patch

Due to time constraints, no scaling testing or other NRUN/CRUN etc. tests have been performed, other than testing a 3-month run with 1-month jobsteps.

vn7.3 HadGEM3-A r2.0 UKCA CheS+ (CCMI model)

This job is currently NOT WORKING. This page will be updated when it is.

This does configuration not currently run on ARCHER, although similar CheT and CheS configurations do. In the differences below, xlsjg is the xcml00 job, and xlsjs is the ibm02 job.

Relevant changes:

Job xlsjg Title cp s xcm REF-C2
Job xlsjs Title cp d REF-C2 re-run xipxa, passiveO3+dumps+STASHchanges
Difference in window personal_gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Target Machine
     -> General details
Entry box: Tic Code
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'ukca-cam'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'ukca'

Difference in window subindep_Target_Machine
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Target Machine
     -> Target Machine
Entry box: Machine name
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'xcml00'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'ibm02'
Entry box: Define the number of processors East-West. (Must be 1 or an even number).
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '12'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '8'
Radio button: 
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'other (enter machine name below)'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'IBM (enter machine name below)'

Difference in window subindep_Control
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> General Configuration and Control
Entry box: Define the directory holding a full set of STASHmaster files
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N96L85/new'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N96L85/new'

Difference in window subindep_ScriptMod
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Script Inserts and Modifications
Differences in Table Defined Environment Variables
>  XLFRTEOPTS buffering=disable_all

Difference in window subindep_Output
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Output choices
Check box: Information on I/O operations (F_FILEINF=DETAIL)
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Check box: Information on Program operations (F_PROGINF=DETAIL)
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Check box: Report STASH messages
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'OFF'

Difference in window subindep_FileDir
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Time Convention and SCRIPT Environment Variables.
Entry box: DATAM            : Define the directory for written output with time-stamped names
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '$DATADIR/$RUNID'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '$WORKDIR/um/$RUNID'
Entry box: DATAW            : Define the directory for other output file
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '$DATADIR/$RUNID'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '$WORKDIR/um/$RUNID'
Differences in Table Defined Environment Variables for Directories
<  QESM_DIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
>  QESM_DIR /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM
<  CheST_ANCILS /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST
<  ACCMIP_ANCILS /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/ACCMIP_ANCILS
<  CH3Cl_ANCILS /projects/ukca-cam/aarchi/CH3Cl_ANCILS
<  StratCFC /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/StratCFC
<  CCMI_DIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/CCMI_data/
>  CheST_ANCILS /projects/ukca/aarchi/ANCILS_CheST
>  ACCMIP_ANCILS /projects/ukca/aarchi/ACCMIP_ANCILS
>  CH3Cl_ANCILS /projects/ukca/aarchi/CH3Cl_ANCILS
>  StratCFC /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/StratCFC
>  CCMI_DIR /projects/ukca/nlabra/CCMI_data/
<  DATADIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra

Difference in window subindep_Runlen
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Start Date and Run Length Options
Entry box: Months
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '3'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '0'
Entry box: Years
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '0'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '140'

Difference in window subindep_JobRes
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Job submission, resources and re-submission pattern
Entry box: Job memory limit (See Help text)
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '4'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '1.5'
Entry box: Job time limit
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '3600'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '4500'
Radio button: Define submission method
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to qsub' for PBS Pro (CRAY XC40)'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'Loadleveler for IBM platform'

Difference in window subindep_JobRes2
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Job submission, resources and re-submission pattern
       -> Follow on window
Entry box: Job time limit, for QSUB
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '3600'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '4500'

Difference in window subindep_HandEdit
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> User hand edit files
Differences in Table Hand edits
<  ~ros/HadGEM3-A/vn7.3/HGPKG1/crun.ed N
>  ~ros/HadGEM3-A/vn7.3/HGPKG1/crun.ed Y
>  ~ros/HadGEM3-A/vn7.3/HGPKG1/ibm_modules.scr Y
>  ~luke/hand_edits/setup_archiving_v73.ed N
>  ~mdalvi/umui_jobs/hand_edits/incr_compile_mem.ed Y
<  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1/FastJX_MONSooN_Nov11_XCM.ed Y
>  ~jeff/umui_jobs/hand_edits/archiving_7.3 Y
>  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1.1/FastJX_MONSooN_Nov11.ed Y
<  ~ukca/hand_edits/VN7.3/CCMI/CheM_aerosol_bgoff_trgas_1960_presTGt.ed Y
<  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1.1/add_3dancilchg_scr_xcm.ed Y
<  ~annette/hadgem3/hand_edits/new_archiving_std.ed Y
<  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1.1/L_atmos_RCP.ed Y
>  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1.1/CheM_aerosol_bgoff_trgas_1960.ed Y
>  ~luke/merge_files/CheM/vn1.1.1/add_3dancilchg_scr.ed Y

Difference in window subindep_FCM_Gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Extract and Build directories and Output levels
Entry box: Target machine root extract directory (UM_ROUTDIR)
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/$USERID'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/$USERID/um'

Difference in window subindep_FCM_UM_Opt
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Options for Atmosphere and Reconfiguration
Differences in Table User Modifications
<  fcm:um_br/dev/jeff/VN7.3_HadGEM3-A_r2.0_hector_monsoon_archiving/src 14917 N
>  fcm:um_br/dev/jeff/VN7.3_HadGEM3-A_r2.0_hector_monsoon_archiving/src 14917 Y
<  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_UKCA_CheM_vn1.1.1/src 19951 Y
<  fcm:um_br/dev/emb66/vn7.3_vn7.3_UKCA_CheM_vn1.1.1_passiveO3/src 16488 N
<  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_TOA_Temp_Fix/src 12135 Y
<  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_HG3-A_qsserver_mod/src 19702 Y
>  fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_UKCA_CheM_vn1.1.1/src 12095 N
>  fcm:um_br/dev/emb66/vn7.3_vn7.3_UKCA_CheM_vn1.1.1_passiveO3/src 16488 Y

Difference in window subindep_Compile
 -> Model Selection
   -> Compilation and Modifications
     -> Compile options for the UM model
Entry box: Specify max no of compilation processes
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '4'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is inactive
Radio button: Choose option
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'Compile and build the executable named below, then run'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'Run from existing executable, as named below'
Check box: Change the system default for the max no of compilation processes?
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is inactive

Difference in window subindep_CompRecon
 -> Model Selection
   -> Compilation and Modifications
     -> Compile options for the UM reconfiguration
Radio button: Choose option
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'Compile and build the executable named below'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'Run from existing executable, as named below'

Difference in window subindep_Compile_User
 -> Model Selection
   -> Compilation and Modifications
     -> UM User Override Files
Check box: Including the following list of user file overrides
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Differences in Table User file overrides
<  ~umui/overrides/monsoon_cce_7.3_file Y
<  ~ukca/comp_overides/hector_cce_7.3_asad_chem_diags Y
>  /home/luke/merge_files/qdealloc_ukca_ovr N
>  /home/ata27/hand_edits/chem1_dat_noopt.ovr N

Differences in Table User machine overrides
<  ~umui/overrides/monsoon_cce_7.3_machine Y
<  ~ukca/comp_overides/xcm_mach.ovr Y
>  /home/luke/merge_files/StratChem/gcom3.4_MONSooN N
>  /home/umui/overrides/monsoon/2c_netcdf_7.3-7.4.ovr Y

Difference in window subindep_Recon_Gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> Reconfiguration
     -> General Reconfiguration Options
Entry box: Define the number of processors East-West
 Job xlsjg: Entry is set to '12'
 Job xlsjs: Entry is set to '8'
Difference in window atmos_STASH_UserProgs
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> STASH
       -> Initialisation of User Prognostics
Differences in Table Specify Initialisation Option
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/topog_index_mean
<  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/topog_index_stdev
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/topog_index_mean
>  Blank Blank 1  /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/QESM/topog_index_stdev
<  Blank Blank 7 Blank /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/StratCFC/SF6_proxy_34155.anc
>  Blank Blank 7 Blank /projects/ukca/nlabra/ANCILS_N48L60/StratCFC/SF6_proxy_34155.anc

Additional/highlighted changes to note

  • DATADIR currently needs to be manually set
  • The project code is site dependent, and is not set by default: ukca-cam
  • Note the move to site based directories: e.g. /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra
  • What is not visible in the differences, is that the default archiving branch has changed. It needs to be set to fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn7.3_HG3-A_qsserver_mod/src at revision 19702. This is used in conjunction with the ~annette/hadgem3/hand_edits/new_archiving_std.ed hand-edit mentioned above.
  • vn7.3 UKCA code contains a number of hard-coded paths which are set by compiler pre-processor statements. This can be see in PUMA changeset [19933], and can be applied using the patchfile /home/luke/temp/vn7.3_xcm_patch
  • The branch used here contains additional updates, hence the need for some of the additional hand-edits.

Due to time constraints, no scaling testing or other NRUN/CRUN etc. tests have been performed, other than testing a 3-month run with 1-month jobsteps.