MONSooN IBM to Cray Transition

Revision as of 16:26, 21 August 2015 by Nla27 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page details porting efforts of various UKCA configurations from the MONSooN <code>ibm02</code> system to the <code>xcml00</code> system. Some central information can be...")
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This page details porting efforts of various UKCA configurations from the MONSooN ibm02 system to the xcml00 system.

Some central information can be found here:

vn8.4 GA4.0 UKCA CheST+GLOMAP-mode RJ4.0

As this job is already configured to run on ARCHER, there were no code changes required.

Job xlsjc Title cp w: RJ4.0 MONSooN xcm GA4.0 vn8.4 UKCA CheST+GLOMAP-mode TS2000
Job xlsjw Title RJ4.0 MONSooN ibm02 GA4.0 vn8.4 UKCA CheST+GLOMAP-mode TS2000
Difference in window personal_gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Submit Method
     -> General details
Radio button: Account
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'External'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive
Entry box: Account name:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'ukca-cam'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive
Check box: Override Met Office user's default IBM Account Group
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Entry box: Mail-id for notification of end-of-run
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to ''
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nomail'
Entry box: Target Machine user-id:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nlabra'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'USERID'

Difference in window subindep_SubmitMethod
 -> Model Selection
   -> User Information and Submit Method
     -> Job submission method
Entry box: Host name
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'xcml00'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'ibm02'
Radio button: Define submission method
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to qsub' for PBS Pro (Cray XC40)'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'LoadLeveler'

Difference in window subindep_FileDir
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> Time Convention and SCRIPT Environment Variables.
Differences in Table Defined Environment Variables for Directories
<  UKCA_DIR /projects/ukca-admin/inputs
<  UKCA_EMISS $UKCA_DIR/ancil/N96L85/emiss
<  UKCA_INIT $UKCA_DIR/initial
<  DATADIR /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra
>  UKCA_EMISS /projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/N96L85/emiss
>  UKCA_INIT /projects/ukca/inputs/initial

Difference in window subindep_HandEdit
 -> Model Selection
   -> Input/Output Control and Resources
     -> User hand edit files
Differences in Table Hand edits
<  ~ukca/hand_edits/VN8.4/raderv2.0_vn84_MONSooN_XC40.ed Y
>  ~ukca/hand_edits/VN8.4/raderv2.1_vn84_MONSooN.ed Y

Difference in window subindep_FCM_Gen
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Extract directories and Output levels
Entry box: Target machine root extract directory (UM_ROUTDIR)
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca-cam/$USERID'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/$USERID'

Difference in window subindep_FCM_UM_Opt
 -> Model Selection
   -> FCM Configuration
     -> FCM Options for Atmosphere and Reconfiguration
Check box: Use precompiled build
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'OFF'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'ON'
Entry box: Container file name and location (UM_CONTAINER)
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UM_SVN_BIND/container.cfg@vn8.4_cfg'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '$UM_SVN_BIND/container.cfg'
Entry box: Bindings location (UM_SVN_BIND)
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'fcm:um_br/dev/um/vn8.4_machine_cfg/src/configs/bindings'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '$UM_SVN_URL/src/configs/bindings'

Difference in window subindep_Compile
 -> Model Selection
   -> Compilation and Run Options
     -> Compile and run options for Atmosphere and Reconfiguration
Check box: Compile Reconfiguration executable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'OFF'
Entry box: Directory for the Reconfiguration executable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$DATAW/bin'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/Tutorial/vn8.4/prebuilds/Base/bin'

Difference in window subindep_Compile_User
 -> Model Selection
   -> Compilation and Run Options
     -> UM User Override Files
Differences in Table User file overrides
<  ~luke/overrides/vn8.4/ARCHER_cce_vn804_acumps Y
>  ~luke/overrides/vn8.4/ibm_xlf_vn804_acumps Y

Difference in window atmos_Science_Section_UKCA_Rad
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Scientific Parameters and Sections
       -> Section by section choices
         -> Section 34: UKCA Chemistry and Aerosols
           -> UKCA Chemistry Coupling
             -> MODE Aerosols in Radiation Scheme
Entry box: Directory path to UKCA_RADAER input files:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_DIR/spectral/radv2.1'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/spectral/radv2.1'
Entry box: Look-up table for accumulation-mode aerosols in the longwave:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nml_ac_lw_new'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nml_ac_lw'
Entry box: Look-up table for accumulation-mode aerosols in the shortwave:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nml_ac_sw_new'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nml_ac_sw'
Entry box: Look-up table for coarse-mode aerosols in the longwave:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nml_cr_lw_new'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nml_cr_lw'
Entry box: Look-up table for coarse-mode aerosols in the shortwave:
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'nml_cr_sw_new'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to 'nml_cr_sw'

Difference in window atmos_InFiles_Start
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Ancillary and input data files
       -> Start dump
Entry box: Directory name or DATAW
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_INIT'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/initial'

Difference in window atmos_InFiles_PAncil_SST
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Ancillary and input data files
       -> Climatologies & potential climatologies
         -> Sea surface temperatures
Entry box: Directory name or Environment Variable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_DIR/ancil/surf'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/surf'

Difference in window atmos_InFiles_PAncil_Seaice
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Ancillary and input data files
       -> Climatologies & potential climatologies
         -> Sea ice fields
Entry box: Enter directory or Environment Variable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_DIR/ancil/surf'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/surf'

Difference in window atmos_InFiles_PAncil_SulpEmis
 -> Model Selection
   -> Atmosphere
     -> Ancillary and input data files
       -> Climatologies & potential climatologies
         -> Sulphur-Cycle Emissions (2D)
Entry box: Enter directory or Environment Variable
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to '$UKCA_DIR/ancil/surf'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is set to '/projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/surf'

Difference in window subindep_ResQsub
Path to subindep_ResQsub not in navigation tree
Difference in variable CJTLIM2
 Job xlsjc: 10800
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive
Check box: Use Hyperthreads
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'ON'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive
Radio button: Class name
 Job xlsjc: Entry is set to 'normal'
 Job xlsjw: Entry is inactive

Additional changes to note are:

  • DATADIR currently needs to be manually set
  • Note the move to site based directories: e.g. /projects/ukca-cam/nlabra
  • The shared inputs directory is now under ukca-admin: /projects/ukca-admin/inputs
  • Pre-compiled builds should be turned off, and the location of the reconfiguration executable needs to be set.