Code management group minutes 4Dec2012



UKCA Code Management Meeting, 4 December 2012 (tele-conference).

Met Office: Nick Savage (NS), Colin Johnson (CJ), Mohit Dalvi (MD)
Cambridge: Alex Archibald (AA)
Leeds: Graham Mann (GM)
Oxford: Zak Kipling (ZK)

Not present but on CMG; Sandip Dhomse (Leeds, SD), Luke Abraham (Cambridge, LA), Paul Telford (Cambridge, PT).

Summary of action points arising in the meeting

  • NS to report back on how we make current tickets available to those outside the Met Office.

Carried forward from previous meetings

  • GM to collate UKCA Science plans.
  • CJ to circulate provisional list of UKCA configurations at/post UM8.4.
  • ZK to request Philip to circulate information/updates on JASMIN.
  • MD to update PUMA 8.2 TropIsop+MODE job with latest changes.

Status of previous Actions

  • NS to check admin on UKCA email lists. JISCmail – look like only Luke can do this.
  • NS to circulate list of Somewhen tickets on UKCA. Not copied across yet. This is a tedious process, and hard to keep up to date. We clearly need better collaboration tools. NS to look into this and report back.
  • GM to collate received UKCA Science plans into a document. Not collated yet. GM to do so before Christmas to inform JCWRP report (early Jan) and board meeting (Feb?)
  • CJ to circulate provisional list of UKCA configurations at/post UM8.4. Still to do.
  • ZK to request Philip to circulate information/updates on JASMIN. Still to do.
  • NS to circulate link for external release of Iris postprocessing package, with info in UKCA/Iris experience. Unfortunately the AQUM UKCA/Iris project has stalled due to funding issues. It is hoped to pick this up again, but at present it is poorly documented. Iris itself is publicly available, with a Google group for discussion.
  • CJ/MD to port a UM8.2 TropIsop+MODE job to PUMA including latest improvements/fixes. UKCA @ 8.2 (TropIsop+MODE) is on PUMA as of mid-Nov. Update to come this week, based on amogh.