UKCA & UMUI Tutorial 9


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Adding New Diagnostics

If you are using one of the chemistry schemes that uses ASAD (e.g. CheT/TropIsop, CheS/Strat, CheST/StratTrop) then you can make use of the ASAD Reaction Flux Diagnostics module (held in asad_chem_flux_diags.F90). These allow you to straight-forwardly out new reaction and deposition fluxes.

To output new diagnostics you will first need to define them in the asad_flux_dat.F90 module, and then create a new STASHmaster file for them.

Flux Definitions in asad_flux_dat.F90

Within the asad_flux_dat.F90 module the diagnostics are defined in blocks with the format

      asad_flux_defn('Diagnostic type',Stash code,'Diagnostic specification',Mask,Reaction number,Number of species, &
      (/'Species/Reactant 1','Reactant 2'/),                                                                         &
      (/'Product 1','Product 2','Product 3','Product 4'/)),                                                          &

Which have the following meaning:

Diagnostic Type

This is a three character string which defines what type of diagnostic is being requested. This can take the values

  • RXN to output the flux through a reaction (in moles/gridcell/s)
  • DEP to output the deposition flux of a species (in moles/gridcell/s)
  • EMS to output the emission flux into a species (in moles/gridcell/s)
  • NET to output the net chemical tendency of a species (in moles/gridcell/s)
  • STE to output the net dynamical tendency of a species (in moles/gridcell/s)
  • MAS to output the mass of the atmosphere (in kg/gridcell)
  • PSC to output the fraction of polar stratospheric clouds in a gridcell (fraction in range 0 → 1)
  • TPM to output the tropospheric mask (1 for troposphere, 0 otherwise - monthly mean field will be a fraction in range 0 → 1)
  • OUT to output a tracer in mmr. Only really useful if the field is masked to give the tropospheric concentration only (see the discussion of the Mask option)
  • RTE to output the rate of a reaction (in gridcell/s)

Stash Code

Diagnostic Specification

  • RXN
    • B to output the flux through a bimolecular reaction
    • T to output the flux through a termolecular reaction
    • H to output the flux through a heterogeneous reaction
    • J to output the flux through a photolysis reaction
  • DEP
    • D to output the dry deposition flux
    • W to output the wet deposition flux
  • EMS
    • S to output a surface emission (2D)
    • A to output aircraft emissions (3D)
    • L to output lightning emissions (3D)
    • V to output volcanic SO2 emissions (3D)
    • T to output SO2 emissions (3D)
  • PSC
    • 1 to output the fraction of Type 1 PSCs
    • 2 to output the fraction of Type 2 PSCs
  • RTE
    • B to output the rate of a bimolecular reaction
    • T to output the rate of a termolecular reaction
    • H to output the rate of a heterogeneous reaction
    • J to output the rate of a photolysis reaction

Written by Luke Abraham 2013