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You will be using the machines in the G30 computer lab in the Department of Chemistry.

G30 Workstations

You will be using MCS Linux on the G30 workstations during this course.

  1. Boot to MCS Linux
    • If the machine is powered-off, please turn it on.
    • If machine is on the Windows login screen, press Ctrl-Alt-Del and the press the drop-down menu on the red power-off button (bottom right) and select Restart.
      • If this button is not on the screen, please log-in to Windows and select Restart from the Start Menu.
  2. On the BIOS boot screen, select MCS Linux
    • You will need to be quick here, as you are only allowed 10 seconds to change from the default (Windows)
  3. Software updates may need to be applied - this may take some time.
    • If the workstation needs to reboot after updates, it should boot back into MCS Linux automatically.
  4. You should NOT stay logged-in overnight, as the workstations may power-down in the evenings.
  5. To log-in, use the conference username and password provided. These details are unique to you - do not share them with others.


You should use your personal PUMA account during this course. You will be provided with a training account for ARCHER.

To set-up using PUMA and ARCHER correctly with vn10.4, please see this page provided by NCAS-CMS:

You should follow instructions from 2.2 onwards.

Required files and worked solutions

Worked solutions are available for the practicals. These can be found both on ARCHER and on the local Cambridge workstations.


The files can be found within the



The Task5.1/ sub-directory holds the files required to make up the emissions ancillary. There is also a solution/ directory provided here as well.

The sample_output/ sub-directory contains the available sample output for each of the tasks.


In case ARCHER goes down, a duplicate of the ARCHER directory can be found at


on the MCS Linux system. There is also a bin/ sub-directory which contains Xconv (& Xancil) and cdo binaries. The vn10.4 sub-direcrory contains the solutions for Tasks 3.1-9.1.

Copying data over to your normal ARCHER account

At the end of the course, your NCAS training accounts will be deactivated and the data within them deleted. To save any work that you have done, you will need to copy this data elesewhere. It is recommended that you copy the data over to your normal ARCHER account, and using rsync is a good way to do this.

Using rsync

  1. Log in to your normal ARCHER account:
    ssh -Y userid@login.archer.ac.uk
  2. Make a directory to hold this data on the /work directory of your normal ARCHER account. e.g.
    cd /work/n02/n02/userid
    mkdir Tutorials
    cd Tutorials
    • Within this directory, then type pwd to get the full path to this directory.
  3. Log in to your NCAS training account:
    ssh -Y ncastrXX@login.archer.ac.uk
  4. On your NCAS training account, type the following command, e.g.
    rsync -auvv directory_to_copy userid@localhost:/work/n02/n02/userid/Tutorials/.
    • Where e.g. /work/n02/n02/userid/Tutorials/. is the output from the pwd command earlier.

You can also use the rsync command to copy the output elsewhere, e.g. to your host institution. In this case change the localhost above to the name of the machine you want to copy the data to.

Written by Luke Abraham 2016