UKCA Release Jobs 8x


This page contains documentation on vn8.x UKCA standard jobs that have been released or will soon be released.

You may also wish to look at the bugfixes page.

Please also see the Getting Started with UKCA page.

Standard Release Jobs April 2014

UKCA can be configured through the UMUI, via it's own configuration panel. This mostly controls all the options required to run UKCA, although some extra changes have been made with hand-edits. To make it easy to get started with UKCA, several standard jobs have been created at various resolutions. To get started with UKCA, it should be a simple matter to take a copy of the UKCA job that you wish to run, changing a few user-specific options, and submitting the job.

Code Changes

To run a UKCA standard job, please take a copy of one of the jobs listed below. If you need to make code changes, you must make a new FCM branch, and merge in the UKCA branch which is used in the job that you are taking, then use your branch instead.

Please do not take a checkout of the UKCA branch used in the UMUI FCM panel (e.g. fcm:um_br/dev/luke/VN7.3_UKCA_CheM) and run from this as a working copy. If the fcm commit command is run from this directory it would commit any changes you have made to this branch. In this case, this would affect the branch for other UKCA users.


CAVEATS. This job has been used for some runs for AEROCOM. Please note however, that longer runs suffer from serious problems with drift in CH4 concentrations. Some users have also suffered from problems with model instability.

UM Version UMUI Job-ID Climate Model Horizontal Resolution Vertical Levels Model Top Scheme Used FCM Branch Revision Number Evaluation suite results
8.4 HECToR:x....,x....
MONSooN: x....
ARCHER: x....
GA4 N96 L85 ~84km Tropospheric Chemistry with Isoprene fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn8.4_xxx nnnnn link to results


CAVEATS. This job is preferred for tropospheric modelling over the CHET job as it does not have the with drift in CH4. The model also has unrealistically low NOy concentrations in the stratosphere.

UM Version UMUI Job-ID Climate Model Horizontal Resolution Vertical Levels Model Top Scheme Used FCM Branch Revision Number Evaluation suite results
8.4 HECToR:x....,x....
MONSooN: x....
ARCHER: x....
GA4 N96 L85 ~84km Tropospheric Chemistry with Isoprene fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn8.4_xxx nnnnn link to results