Minutes of the code management group meeting 17/10/2013


UKCA Code Management Meeting, 17th October 2013 (tele-conference).

Met Office: Nick Savage (NS), Mohit Dalvi (MD), Jane Mulcahy (JM), Fiona O'Connor (FC)
Leeds: Graham Mann (GM)
Cambridge: Luke Abraham (LA)

Summary of action points arising in the meeting

  • NS to set up a timeline page on the wiki and add UM code freeze and release dates to it.
  • JM to add GA information to the timeline
  • All to add project and other deadlines to same timeline
  • LA to tell FC how to deal with CFC top boundary condition for initialisation of StratTrop
  • LA to forward Paul Telfords work on the N budget to FC
  • JM to investigate if there is a GA4 Atmosphere-Ocean job available at 8.4
  • GM to look at UKCA tutorial and put thoughts together on extending it to include aerosols
  • NS to send out Doodle poll for next meeting late November