Code management group minutes 12Feb2013


UKCA Code Management Meeting, 12 February 2013 (tele-conference).

Met Office: Nick Savage (NS), Colin Johnson (CJ), Mohit Dalvi (MD)
Cambridge: Alex Archibald (AA), Luke Abraham (LA)
Leeds: Graham Mann (GM)
Oxford: Zak Kipling (ZK)

Summary of action points arising in the meeting

  • MD to circulate details of the 1st version of Evaluation suite.
  • GM to look into possible numerical errors in latest UKCA-Achem-MODE job.
  • MD/CJ to port across a UM8.3 StratTrop+Achem+MODE job to MONSooN.
  • LA/AA to suggest parameters for evaluating the ENDGAME+UKCA configuration.
  • NS to brief LA on status and required UKCA changes for Rose.
  • LA/GM to finalise vn8.x MODE configuration for the upcoming UKCA tutorial.
  • NS/LA/AA/Fiona to discuss regarding updation of reaction rates for TropIsop and Strat schemes.
  • CMG to discuss with Project Board regarding follow-up meeting during March NCAS Meeting.

Carried forward from previous meetings

  • Dust: CJ has got 2-MODE dust scheme working. Stephanie evaluating results.
  • Nitrate : SteveR's job+branch working. CJ to check whether nitrate is turned ON.

Status of UKCA Release Job

  • Updated Plan to be communicated to the Exec Board
    • Mid-March 2013 : UM8.3 StratTrop+Achem+MODE job setup and begin evaluation
    • End-April : UM8.4 UKCA job setup (Dependancy on UM8.4 & GA4.0 release on PUMA) and begin evaluation
    • End-May : Agreed, evaluated, well documented Release Job

Other discussions

  • MD briefed that a version of the Evaluation package, based on scripts contributed by Fiona/NIWA and Alex, is available on Postproc. Alex inquired whether a 'tile plot/ signal plot' type of a unified multi-model/ multi-parameter interpretation is possible. This will be taken up in the next phase.
  • NS briefed on status of vn8.2/3 AQUM job on MONSooN. LA asked whether this was easily configurable for users. NS replied this can be looked into if there was sufficient demand, but will require dedicated resource to maintain.
  • It was agreed that instead of waiting for a 'Perfect' configuration, the UM8.4 Release job will include Aerosol washout improvements and tunings as available, with any biases and caveats documented for potential users/ developers.
  • It was also suggested that while the actual release job will be StratTrop+Achem+MODE, other versions should be faily easy to configure, mainly through UMUI setting changes.
  • CJ listed the UKCA changes targeted for GA6.0 configuration by the HadGEM3-ES Board. These include:
    • Evaluated ACTIVATE code
    • RADAERv2
    • Convective washout improvements from Oxford
    • CLASSIC Off
    • Use of Offline Oxidants
  • CJ shared initial results from an ENDGAME-UKCA StratTrop simulation and asked for suitable parameters to help evaluate the impacts.
  • LA briefed on the UKCA tutorial that will be conducted at Edinburgh in May. A survey at the ACITES meeting showed significant interest in this, at least from the UKCA-Chem perspective. The objective will be to enable new users/ developers to get some information on the basic usage as well as on carrying out minor changes to code related to emissions, diagnostics, reactions, etc.

Date of Next meeting

Possible follow-up meeting during the NCAS Climate-Chemistry Conference at Cambridge, 21 March.