UKCA Chemistry and Aerosol vn10.4 Tutorial 5

Revision as of 12:26, 25 November 2016 by Nla27 (talk | contribs)

UKCA Chemistry and Aerosol Tutorials at vn10.4

What you will learn in this Tutorial

During this tutorial you will learn how to make new UKCA netCDF emissions files. Then you will learn how to add new emissions into UKCA so that they emit into one of your new tracers.

At the end of the previous tutorial you will now know how to create new tracers for use by UKCA. However, after completing the tasks, your tracers will still be empty, as nothing has been put into them. This tutorial will teach you how to create an emissions file that the UKCA will read, and that you can then tell UKCA to use and emit into your tracer(s).

This tutorial will go through the steps needed to make an emission into a tracer which UKCA does not currently emit into. The steps in making the netCDF file will be the same for a species which is currently emitted into, although in this simpler case you would not need to make any code changes.

Task 5.1: Create a new emissions file and use it in your job

Task 5.1: In the
directory on ARCHER there is the file which is a 0.5x0.5 degree resolution surface emission field. You should regrid this file to the N96 ENDGame grid, and output it as a netCDF file that has the required netCDF metadata for a climatological surface emission without any diurnal cycle.

Using python to regrid your emissions

You can use Iris on ARCHER by

module load anaconda

if you then

conda list

you will see that Iris is available:

iris                      1.8.0                  nppy27_1    scitools

when using python, a good alias to use is

alias pylab='ipython --pylab --logfile=ipython-`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`.py'

Use python script supplied to create emissions netCDF from supplied 0.5x0.5 emissions dataset.

Do not need to write script from scratch, just read-through script and try to understand what it does, and why.

Then include in Rose, and also make branch changes:

[16:10:16 luke@puma vn10.4_UKCA_Tutorials]$ fcm diff
Index: src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_setd1defs.F90
--- src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_setd1defs.F90      (revision 28917)
+++ src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_setd1defs.F90      (revision 29446)
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
       nr_phot         = 38
     END IF
   ELSE IF (L_ukca_strattrop .AND. .NOT. L_ukca_achem) THEN
-    n_chem_emissions = 9
+    n_chem_emissions = 10
     n_3d_emissions = 1       ! aircraft NOX
     n_aero_tracers =  0
@@ -308,19 +308,20 @@
     em_chem_spec =                                             &
         (/'NO        ','CH4       ','CO        ','HCHO      ', &
           'C2H6      ','C3H8      ','Me2CO     ','MeCHO     ', &
-          'C5H8      ','NO_aircrft'/)
+          'C5H8      ','ALICE     ','NO_aircrft'/)
     n_chem_tracers = 73         ! No chem tracers
     nr_therm       = 220        ! thermal reactions
     nr_phot        = 55         ! photolytic (ATA)
   ELSE IF (L_ukca_strattrop .AND. L_ukca_achem) THEN
-    n_chem_emissions = 19      ! em_chem_spec below
+    n_chem_emissions = 20      ! em_chem_spec below
     n_3d_emissions   = 4       ! BC, OC, volc SO2 & aircraft NOX
     em_chem_spec =                                             &
         (/'NO        ','CH4       ','CO        ','HCHO      ', &
           'C2H6      ','C3H8      ','Me2CO     ','MeCHO     ', &
-          'C5H8      ','BC_fossil ','BC_biofuel','OC_fossil ', &
+          'C5H8      ','ALICE     ',                           &
+          'BC_fossil ','BC_biofuel','OC_fossil ',              &
           'OC_biofuel','Monoterp  ','NVOC      ','SO2_low   ', &
           'SO2_high  ','NH3       ','DMS       ','SO2_nat   ', &
@@ -715,6 +716,8 @@
       UkcaD1Codes(j+i)%item = 314
     ELSE IF (em_chem_spec(i) == 'NVOC      ') THEN
       UkcaD1Codes(j+i)%item = 315
+    ELSE IF (em_chem_spec(i) == 'ALICE     ') THEN
+      UkcaD1Codes(j+i)%item = 316
     ELSE IF (em_chem_spec(i) == 'BC_biomass') THEN
       UkcaD1Codes(j+i)%item = 322
       UkcaD1Codes(j+i)%len_dim3 = tr_levels
Index: src/atmosphere/UKCA/get_molmass_mod.F90
--- src/atmosphere/UKCA/get_molmass_mod.F90     (revision 28917)
+++ src/atmosphere/UKCA/get_molmass_mod.F90     (revision 29446)
@@ -242,6 +242,9 @@
 CASE ('BrCl      ')
   get_molmass = m_brcl
+CASE ('ALICE     ')
+  get_molmass = m_ALICE
   ! -----------------------------------------
   !   Others (report warning)
 CASE ('AGE       ')
Index: src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_constants.F90
--- src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_constants.F90      (revision 28917)
+++ src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_constants.F90      (revision 29446)
@@ -390,6 +390,9 @@
 REAL, PARAMETER :: m_aromooh  = 130.0
 REAL, PARAMETER :: m_mekooh   = 104.0
+!     UKCA Tutorial tracers - only ALICE is emitted
+REAL, PARAMETER :: m_ALICE    = 1.0000  
 !     The mass of organic nitrate is an approximation,
 !     calculated as the average of ORGNIT formed by two
 !     reacs. in UKCA_CHEMCO_RAQ:
Index: src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_chem_strattrop.F90
--- src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_chem_strattrop.F90 (revision 28917)
+++ src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_chem_strattrop.F90 (revision 29446)
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 !  75
 chch_t( 75,'N2        ',  1,'CT        ','          ',  0,  0,  0),  &
 !  76 
-chch_t( 88,'ALICE     ',  1,'TR        ','          ',  0,  0,  0),  &
+chch_t( 88,'ALICE     ',  1,'TR        ','          ',  0,  0,  1),  &
 !  77 
 chch_t( 89,'BOB       ',  1,'TR        ','          ',  0,  0,  0)   &
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
 !  75
 chch_t( 75,'N2        ',  1,'CT        ','          ',  0,  0,  0),  &
 !  76 
-chch_t( 88,'ALICE     ',  1,'TR        ','          ',  0,  0,  0),  &
+chch_t( 88,'ALICE     ',  1,'TR        ','          ',  0,  0,  1),  &
 !  77 
 chch_t( 89,'BOB       ',  1,'TR        ','          ',  0,  0,  0),  &
 !  78

Note: may also need to technically make changes to old emissions routines. However, job runs as is. May not need to make changes to STASH block in ukca_setd1defs.F90, as this is for old scheme.