Release Job RJ4.0


This page documents the vn8.4 GA4.0 release job RJ4.0 (xlava on MONSooN and xlavb on ARCHER). This job has been developed by Luke Abraham.

This job is a development of Release Candidate RC6.0 and Release Candidate RC6.2. Further details on the development of this job can be found on those pages.

Suitability for Release

Tropospheric Chemistry Users should note the tropospheric OH biases
Stratospheric Chemistry Users should note the low stratospheric NOy.
Tropospheric Aerosol Surface properties are green, while column properties are amber
Stratospheric Aerosol


Release candidate still under evaluation
Release candidate not scientifically suitable to be released
Release candidate is suitable for development jobs,
and may be scientifically suitable to be released for some applications
Release candidate scientifically suitable to be released
Release candidate does not consider the required chemistry or aerosol processes


MONSooN job xlava ARCHER job xlavb
UKCA branch used fcm:um_br/pkg/Config/vn8.4_UKCA@16827 fcm:um_br/pkg/Config/vn8.4_UKCA@16827
Decomposition 12EW x 16NS on 6 nodes (see here) 12EW x 12NS on 12 nodes (see here)
Run-time (per model month) ~2 hours (see here) ~2 hours (see here)
Job-step (recommended) 1 model month in 10800 seconds (3 hours) 3 model months in 28800 seconds (8 hours)
Cost (per model year) 150 node-hours (see here) 115 kAU (see here)
Storage Requirements
(current STASH settings)
110GB per model year (32-bit pp-files & seasonal 64-bit dumps)
MOOSE costs: £12.01 per model year
110GB per model year (32-bit pp-files & seasonal 64-bit dumps) copied to the /nerc disk as the model runs,
using the branch fcm:um_br/dev/luke/vn8.4_hector_monsoon_archiving_ff2pp/src as a central script modification.


Start dump

This job is initialised to the file xkjgja.da19991201_00, which has been spun-up for 15 years in the RC6.2 job xkjgj.

TEM Diagnostics

Due to the issues documented in Helpdesk ticket #1357, the TEM diagnostics (STASH m01s30i310-316) are only output to T6H UPA. Otherwise, the STASH is the same as for RC6.0. It is the same on both ARCHER and MONSooN.

Initial conditions and forcing

  • xkawa was initialised from the final dump of xjcin (dated 2015-12-01), then re-dated using change_dump_date to 1999-12-01.
    • See /projects/ukca/inputs/initial/vn84GA4_UKCA.19991201_00.txt
  • SSTs and sea-ice use daily values from the Reynolds dataset, produced by meaning over the transient values from 1995-01-01 to 2005-01-01 using cdo ydaymean.
    • See /projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/surf/reynolds.qrclim.sst.avg2000.txt for SSTs.
    • See /projects/ukca/inputs/ancil/surf/reynolds.qrclim.seaice.avg2000.txt for the sea-ice.
    • Note: there was a minor error with these files, in that the time is set to midnight and not noon. However, this is unlikely to cause any major problems.
  • Time-slice conditions for the year 2000 (actual date 2000-12-01), known as TS2000, were used using the RCP scenario conditions for GHGs and WMO2011 values for ODSs.
    • These are the forcings specified for the CCMI transient REF-C1/2 simulations
    • These values are set in the Spec of trace gases section of the UMUI
      • Note that CFC-114 is only used in UKCA and not in the radiation scheme (as the spectral file does not consider CFC-114). This is done with the hand-edit ~ukca/hand_edits/VN8.4/CFC-114_not_in_Rad.ed.
    • These were calculated using the scenario function on PUMA:
$ /home/ukca/bin/scenario 2000/12/01 USER 
| 2000/12/01   USER SCENARIO:                 |
| CFCl3       =   1.23542E-09     CFC11/F11   |
| CF2Cl2      =   2.26638E-09     CFC12/F12   |
| CF2ClCFCl2  =   5.29666E-10     CFC113/F113 |
| CF2ClCF2Cl  =   9.73663E-11     CFC114/F114 |
| CF2ClCF3    =   4.25934E-11     CFC115/F115 |
| CCl4        =   5.19557E-10                 |
| MeCCl3      =   1.95889E-10     CH3CCl3     |
| CHF2Cl      =   4.31321E-10     HCFC22      |
| MeCFCl2     =   5.35084E-11     HCFC141b    |
| MeCF2Cl     =   4.24961E-11     HCFC142b    |
| CF2ClBr     =   2.34011E-11     H1211       |
| CF2Br2      =   2.74854E-13     H1202       |
| CF3Br       =   1.46645E-11     H1301       |
| CF2BrCF2Br  =   4.48740E-12     H2402       |
| MeCl        =   9.58777E-10     CH3Cl       |
| MeBr        =   2.80100E-11     CH3Br       |
| CH2Br2      =   1.80186E-11                 |
| N2O         =   4.80116E-07                 |
| CH4         =   9.67017E-07                 |
| CF3CHF2     =   6.18271E-12     HFC125      |
| CH2FCF3     =   5.43855E-11     HFC134a     |
| H2          =   3.45280E-08                 |
| N2          =   7.54682E-01                 |
| CO2         =   5.61246E-04                 |
UM/UKCA LBC MMRs for: 2000/12/01, using the USER scenario
 CH4         =  9.670E-07
 N2O         =  4.801E-07
 CFC11       =  1.235E-09
 CFC12       =  2.266E-09
 CFC113      =  5.297E-10
 HCFC22      =  4.313E-10
 HFC125      =  6.183E-12
 HFC134a     =  5.439E-11
 CO2         =  5.61246E-04
 N2MMR=0.75468    ,
  • The following sources are used for the chemistry and aerosol emissions:
    • The 2D Sulphur-Cycle Emissions are the year 2000 values extracted from the standard CMIP5 dataset used for CLASSIC, which can be found at
      • /projects/um1/ancil/atmos/n96/classic_aerosol/cmip5/1970_2010/v0/qrclim.sulpsurf.
    • Year 2000 AR5 emissions are used for NO (s0i301), CO (s0i303), HCHO (s0i304), C2H6 (s0i305), C3H8 (s0i306), (CH3)2CO (s0i307; Me2CO), CH3CHO (s0i308) MeCHO), Black Carbon (BC) fossil fuel surface emissions (s0i310), Black Carbon (BC) biofuel surface emissions (s0i311), Organic Carbon (OC) fossil fuel surface emissions (s0i312), Organic Carbon (OC) biofuel surface emissions (s0i313), and 3D NO aircraft emissions (s0i340).
    • Year 2000 GEIA emissions are used for C5H8 (s0i309; isoprene) and Monoterpenes (s0i314).
    • Year 2005 MEGAN emissions are used for CH3OH, labelled as NVOC in the STASHmaster file (s0i315; MeOH).
    • Year 2000 GFED2 emissions are used for 3D Black Carbon (s0i322; BC) and 3D Organic Carbon (s0i323; OC).

Making a transient run from a timeslice run

As noted above, this job is configured to run as a timeslice. It is relatively straight-forward to change this job to run as a timeslice, although you will need to change the initial conditions of the long-lived chemical tracers.

You will need to:

  • Obtain or create a set of SST and sea-ice ancillaries for the time-period you are interested in.
  • Obtain or create a set of emissions ancillaries for the time-period you are interested in.

It is possible to use a start-dump from a timeslice job to initialise a transient run. However, care must be taken over the values for the long-lived chemical tracers, which will have lower boundary conditions set for their surface concentrations. As described above, the UMUI is used to set the values for these gases. It is possible to use the UKCA routine ukca_rcp_scenario to read the RCP forcing files produced for CMIP5, and an example hand-edit is

$ cat /home/ukca/hand_edits/VN8.4/UKCA_RCP6.0.ed
# (vn8.5)
# control variables to tell the model to use the RCP6.0 scenario, and
# where the data for this is located.


However, this only affects the values in UKCA - the values seen by the radiation will not be affected. You must therefore either make equivalent changes to the UMUI panels which specify these trace gases, or you will need to include additional Fortran code in atmos_physics1.F90 (please contact Luke Abraham for more information on this option).

As well as changing how the lower boundary condition for these gases is specified, it is advisable to re-scale the gases according to their new surface concentrations. As the CheST chemistry scheme lumps the Cl contribution into CFC11 and CFC12, and the Br contribution into CH3Br (MeBr), it is not easy to use the scenario routine described above to calculate these concentrations. However, there is a lumped scenario function, which can be found at ~ukca/bin/scenario.lumped which will produce these values, and is used in the same way, e.g.

$ ~ukca/bin/scenario.lumped 2000/12/01 USER
| 2000/12/01   USER SCENARIO (LUMPED MMR):            |
| CFCl3       =   2.99423E-09     CFC11/F11 (LUMPED)  |
| CF2Cl2      =   3.16674E-09     CFC12/F12 (LUMPED)  |
| MeBr        =   7.07330E-11     CH3Br     (LUMPED)  |
| N2O         =   4.80116E-07                         |
| CH4         =   9.67017E-07                         |
| H2          =   3.45280E-08                         |
| COS         =   1.07640E-09                         |

Note: the value for COS has been updated.

You should run this routine for the date you wish to start on, and compare the values to those above (or, if applying this method to a different timeslice run, to the values generated by the scenario.lumped program for the date of that timeslice) - any differences will mean that the fields will need to be rescaled (by default, H2 and COS are actually constant). This can be easily done using the climate data operators (by first using Xconv to extract these to netCDF from the dump you wish to use). You will also need to subtract the CFC11/CFC12 and CH3Br contributions from the LUMPED Cl (s34i100) and LUMPED Br (s34i099) tracers. To do this, do:

  1. Extract your CFC11 (s34i055), CFC12 (s34i056), CH3Br (s34i057), LUMPED Br (s34i099; assumed to be as BrO), and LUMPED Cl (s34i100; assumed to be as HCl) tracers from the dump file.
  2. Rescale your CFC11, CFC12, and CH3Br fields to the correct values as calculated from the ~ukca/bin/scenario.lumped program (i.e. multiply by the factor new/original).
  3. Extract the CH4 (s34i009) and N2O (s34i049) fields from the dump file and rescale these in the same way.
  4. Convert all Cl and Br fields to vmr. The required conversion factors can be found in the src/atmosphere/UKCA/ukca_constants.F90. You should divide the tracer concentration by the c_species value for that species. Note that you should use the values for BrO for LUMPED Br and HCl for LUMPED Cl.
  5. Subtract the original CFC11 and CFC12 fields (in vmr) from the LUMPED Cl vmr field, and then add-in the new CFC11 and CFC12 fields (also in vmr).
  6. Subtract the original CH3Br field (in vmr) from the LUMPED Br vmr field, and then add-in the new CH3Br field (also in vmr).
  7. Convert your new LUMPED Cl to mmr (using the conversion factor for HCl, as before).
  8. Convert your new LUMPED Br to mmr (using the conversion factor for BrO, as before).
  9. Use Xancil to convert these netCDF fields to ancillary file format (use the generalised ancillary file option).
  10. In the UMUI, turn on reconfiguration, and in the Initialisation of user prognostics panel use option 7 to point to the ancillary file containing these fields.

Note: once you have made these changes, you should spin the model up again. We suggest at least a 10-year spin-up. This can either be done as another timeslice, or as a transient run started earlier than needed, e.g. for a 1960-2010 simulation (starting at 1959-12-01) you could either

  • Start the run in 1949-12-01 and run for 10 years to produce the 1959-12-01 start dump.
  • Make a TS1960 timeslice (with forcing values set to e.g. 1959-12-01) and run this for 10-years to get a 1959-12-01 start dump. In this case you could also start the model from 1949-12-01, but would have the SSTs, sea-ice, and emissions etc. fixed at 1959 values.



Further information on how to use MOOSE can be found on the collaboration twiki.

Note: This job is configured to automatically archive data to MOOSE when running on MONSooN. This setting should not be changed, except for very short runs. If you take a copy of this job and run it, you must first manually make the MOOSE set to hold the data in the archive. This is done by

 moo mkset --project-owner=project-YOUR_MONSooN_PROJECT -v moose:/crum/jobid

For instance, if you were in the UKCA project you would have --project-owner=project-ukca. This can be done after the job has started running. The archiving intelligently knows which files need archiving through the use of files named The files also control the deleting of files and dumps once they have been archived or are no longer needed. If, for some reason, the files cannot be archived (e.g. MOOSE is down or the set has not yet been made) then the files will not be deleted. They will continue being generated and existing on the /projects disk until they can be archived.

You should not need to do anything with the fieldsfiles until the whole simulation has been completed (in this case, the whole 15-years). When it does you will find that, while the climate mean files and dumps have been archived, the last files in the e.g. *.pa* or *.pb* streams etc will not have been. You will need to archive these manually by, e.g.

moo put -f -vv -c=umpp jobida.pzYYYYmmm moose:/crum/jobid/apz.pp/jobida.pzYYYYmmm.pp

Where the -c=umpp converts the files from 64-bit fieldsfiles to 32-bit pp-files. Remember to put the .pp at the end of the name of the file in the set on MOOSE.

Evaluation Suite Output (MONSooN)

These were generated from the UKCA Evaluation Suite available on the MONSooN post-processor.

Lightning NOx

The lightning NOx produced in these years was

  • ARCHER = 3.98946 Tg(N)/year
  • MONSooN = 3.93295 Tg(N)/year