Minutes of the code management group meeting 2016-07-22


Code management group minutes


xx, yy

Apologies: xx

Actions from this meeting

One off actions

  1. (ongoing) GM check 8.4 versus 7.3 GLOMAP-mode code and report any bug fixes the bugfix page
  2. GLOMAP-mode coupling to FJX. AA to see if Paul Griffiths can be asked to do this.
  3. (ongoing) FOC to incorporate Bug #35 and others into dry deposition work 
  4. NS to co-ordinate migration of MetO UM tickets to MOSRS
  5. FOC to find someone to co-ordinate migration of PUMA UM tickets to MOSRS
  6. NS to continue with lodging ticket #368 quick fix. A proposed fix to the value of RAFEPS allowing just one line to have a scaling factor on a namelist has been developed but NS is concerned about implementing it it due to his lack of understanding the code. Implementation will be pending the next action. 
  7. LA to contact Oliver Wild regarding NR solver. In particular to ask advice on the use of the increased value of rafeps to prevent model failures. How safe is this, and is there a better solution?
  8. FOC to check rafeps branch in recent GA7-type runs
  9. (ongoing) Bug #38: GM to take on lodging this on the trunk
  10. (ongoing) LA to check doc for NVOC factor and open ticket to remove it from code
  11. (ongoing) Ben Johnson (BJ) to review OC biomass burning emissions units (#41 in bug table) and if this is now correct, close.
  12. Bug #52: GM to take on lodging this on the trunk
  13. MR to add link to twiki on bugfix page for Bug #53 (RADAER)
  14. FOC to follow up with Irina (CRUM) about progress on time availability codes for UKCA chemistry timesteps
  15. FOC to find owner for UM ticket #987 (Checks in UKCA iBVOC emissions to prevent duplication of online and offline emissions)
  16. CJ to check status of Bug #53 and update table as appropriate
  17. NS to update table for Bug #57.
  18. NS to update table, open ticket and take ownership of Bug #58 (Blocking Mode 3 in FastJX) 
  19. CJ to follow up and update table for Bug #62
  20. NS to review and update table for Bug #68
  21. LA and FOC to resurrect GungHo-UKCA discussions with Mohamed Zerroukat
  22. MD to let people know when Rose suites with StratTrop chemistry and based on the frozen GA7 physics are available
  23. LA to follow up with CMS about copying in both LA and MD in all UKCA and nudging tickets raised with them
  24. LA to arrange next CMG subject to date of next UKCA Exec

Standing actions

  1. (ongoing - standing item) CMG to monitor list of bugs and circulate between group for owners.
  2. (ongoing - standing item) At CMG future meetings there should be included an appendix listing the open bugs. If a ticket is included it is not an open bug (as the owner of ticket is person doing lodging).
  3. (ongoing - standing item) JM to continue to link/send powerpoint results (re: GA7.0), as new configurations released and link/put files on UKCA wiki.
  4. (ongoing - standing item) ALL with access to keep monitoring ukca_bugs email list.
  5. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to think about if code changes will change KGO and let systems team know in good time. This should be a standard part of our working practice.

Teleconference Numbers

  • UK Freefone:0800 9171956
  • Participant passcode: 89264837 then #


  1. Agree agenda?
  2. Actions from the last meeting (2016-01-12) including standing items
  3. UMvn10.5 code freeze
  4. Targets for UMvn10.6 code freeze
  5. Rose suites at UMvn10.4/10.5
  6. Progress towards GA7.1
  7. Bugs/bugfixes
  8. Update on GungoHo!/LFRic
  9. AOB/DNM
  10. Date of next meeting


Actions from 2016-01-12

  1. (ongoing) GM check 8.4 versus 7.3 GLOMAP-mode code and report any bug fixes the bugfix page
  2. GLOMAP-mode coupling to FJX. AA to see if Paul Griffiths can be asked to do this.
  3. (ongoing) FOC to incorporate Bug #35 and others into dry deposition work
  4. NS to co-ordinate migration of MetO UM tickets to MOSRS
  5. FOC to find someone to co-ordinate migration of PUMA UM tickets to MOSRS
  6. NS to continue with lodging ticket #368 quick fix. A proposed fix to the value of RAFEPS allowing just one line to have a scaling factor on a namelist has been developed but NS is concerned about implementing it it due to his lack of understanding the code. Implementation will be pending the next action.
  7. LA to contact Oliver Wild regarding NR solver. In particular to ask advice on the use of the increased value of rafeps to prevent model failures. How safe is this, and is there a better solution?
  8. FOC to check rafeps branch in recent GA7-type runs
  9. (ongoing) Bug #38: GM to take on lodging this on the trunk
  10. (ongoing) LA to check doc for NVOC factor and open ticket to remove it from code
  11. (ongoing) Ben Johnson (BJ) to review OC biomass burning emissions units (#41 in bug table) and if this is now correct, close.
  12. Bug #52: GM to take on lodging this on the trunk
  13. MR to add link to twiki on bugfix page for Bug #53 (RADAER)
  14. FOC to follow up with Irina (CRUM) about progress on time availability codes for UKCA chemistry timesteps
  15. FOC to find owner for UM ticket #987 (Checks in UKCA iBVOC emissions to prevent duplication of online and offline emissions)
  16. CJ to check status of Bug #53 and update table as appropriate
  17. NS to update table for Bug #57.
  18. NS to update table, open ticket and take ownership of Bug #58 (Blocking Mode 3 in FastJX)
  19. CJ to follow up and update table for Bug #62
  20. NS to review and update table for Bug #68
  21. LA and FOC to resurrect GungHo-UKCA discussions with Mohamed Zerroukat
  22. MD to let people know when Rose suites with StratTrop chemistry and based on the frozen GA7 physics are available
  23. LA to follow up with CMS about copying in both LA and MD in all UKCA and nudging tickets raised with them
  24. LA to arrange next CMG subject to date of next UKCA Exec

Standing items:

  1. (ongoing - standing item) CMG to monitor list of bugs and circulate between group for owners.
  2. (ongoing - standing item) At CMG future meetings there should be included an appendix listing the open bugs. If a ticket is included it is not an open bug (as the owner of ticket is person doing lodging).
  3. (ongoing - standing item) JM to continue to link/send powerpoint results (re: GA7.0), as new configurations released and link/put files on UKCA wiki.
  4. (ongoing - standing item) ALL with access to keep monitoring ukca_bugs email list.
  5. (ongoing - standing item) ALL to think about if code changes will change KGO and let systems team know in good time. This should be a standard part of our working practice.

UMvn10.5 code freeze

Targets for UMvn10.7 code freeze

GA6/7 UKCA (Strat+Trop) Rose suites at UMvn10.3,4,5

UM version Suite-id Remarks
10.3 u-ac253 Not ported to MONSooN
10.4 u-ac782 (MO), u-ad048(MONSooN),
Assessment run -puma-aa342 (data on MASS)
10.5 u-ae771 (MO) Developing

Progress towards GA7.1


Open Bugs

# Description Ticket Owner Remarks
31 FP exceptions in asad_sparse_vars
or asad_spimjmp
#368 (MOSRS) Nick Savage
35 Error in labelling: Surface resistance <--> stomatal resistance ? MOSRS #1409 Fiona O'Connor
38 Missing logical for volcanic so2 emissions. MOSRS #1350 Graham Mann Mohit will lodge branch with logical at UM10.5
50 ukca_solve_coagnucl failures #319 (MOSRS) Mohit Dalvi/Graham Mann? Not encountered any more ?
57 Incorrect logic for DMS anciliaries required #756 (MOSRS) Nick Savage
58 Fastj-X runs on patches all in dark #1360 (MOSRS) Nick Savage
68 HO2 heterogeneous loss rate 1st order(?) No ticket Nick Savage
72 UKCA Dry Deposition: Surface resistance values
not set for some species
#1250 Alan Hewitt?
74 Bug in ukca_tropopause with definition of PV tropopause #1283 Steven Hardiman Change ownership?
75 Bug in STE fluxes #1367 Fiona O'Connor
80 H2O feedback broken under ENDGAME UM#1646 Colin Johnson
81 Runs with segment/ restart interval < 5 days
fail due to NetCDF emiss update bug
UM#948 Alistair Sellar/ Mohit Dalvi
83 error in the indexing of the tot_tracer array in the convective plume scavenging UM#2036 Nick Savage
84 NetCDF error when using UKCA and Nudging: Model fails with
'EM_GET_VAR_INFO: Time dimension info not found, check if l_ignore_time = .TRUE.'
UM#2095 Mohit Dalvi

Update on GungHo!/LFRic


Date of next meeting