ARCHER porting

Revision as of 17:35, 14 January 2014 by Nla27 (talk | contribs)

Several of the UKCA Release Jobs have been ported from HECToR to ARCHER, and their jobids are detailed on that page.


Scaling and efficiency profiling for N48L60 UKCA CheS+ on ARCHER

The plot shows how UKCA scales when ported to ARCHER. The most efficient number of nodes to use is 3 (8x9), although the model will run fastest on 6 nodes (e.g. 16x9 or 12x12). Moving to 3 nodes from 6 will increase the run-time by 50%. Linear scaling is possible up to 4 nodes (12x8).

Code Changes

Cray cce Fortran Compiler

Corrections required for the Cray cce compiler on archer can be found on the bugfixes page.