Release Job UM11.0
XCE/F/S: u-ay770 |
ARCHER: u-ba915
| |
Run-time (per model month) | ~1 hour 10 minutes (XCS) | ~1 hour 10 minutes | ~1 hour 20 minutes |
Cycling | P1M in PT1H40M (XCS) | P1M in PT1H40M | P1M in PT1H40M |
Estimated cost | 168 node-hours/model year | 90 kAU/model year | |
Decomposition | 18EW x 24NS on 12 nodes (XCS: 36PPN) | 18EW x 24NS on 12 nodes (36PPN) | 24EW x 15NS on 15 nodes (24PPN) |
Storage Requirements (current STASH settings) |
73.5GB per model year (32-bit pp-files & seasonal 64-bit dumps) | 73.5GB per model year (32-bit pp-files & seasonal 64-bit dumps) MASS costs: £2.01 per model year |
73.5GB per model year (32-bit pp-files & seasonal 64-bit dumps) copied to the /nerc disk and a JASMIN GWS as the model runs
UKCA Release Job - UM11.0 - Free Running
UM11.0 GA7.1 + UKCA Strattrop GLOMAP (N96L85) TS2000
Suite -id
Base/ inherited configuration
UM11.0 GA7.1 UKCA Strattrop GLOMAP Y2014; TropO3 fixes suite u-av818 combined with settings from u-au917
UKCA evaluation suite output for u-au917 can be seen here
Branch name | Description | Metadata change? |
branches/dev/lukeabraham/vn11.0_ukca_linox_tweaks | Uses single NOx production factor for cld-cld and cldgrn flashes | Yes |
branches/dev/dev/mohitdalvi/vn11.0_ukca_ageair_and_stashm | Fixes STASH definition of age-of-air pressure-level diagnostic Not required for build (fcm_make_um), only replaces runtime STASHmaster (specified in app/um/rose-app.conf=>[file:STASHmaster] section) |
Yes |
- Suite uses metadata from ~hadzm/code/vn11.0_ukca_linox_tweaks_meta/rose-meta/um-atmos/HEAD (same location on meto-cray and Monsoon2), as specified in app/um/rose-app.conf, meta=
The suite (meteorological, aerochem variables) will initialise from a dump produced at the end of a 20-year spin-up run of the previous GA7.1+Strattrop AMIP run u-au917 - /data/d05/hadzm/dumps/au917a.da20080901_00
The path to this is set in the file(s): u-ay770/site/meto_cray.rc,u-ay770/site/MONSOON.rc as variable AINITIAL.
Forcing data
Emissions for aerosol and chemical species (except biogenic) are prescribed as monthly cyclic climatologies around Year2000 by averaging data for 1995-2004 from the CMIP6 historical emissions developed for UKESM1. Script used was []br
Biogenic emissions used are those originally developed for the NERC ACSIS project and represent datasets pertaining to 1990s,2000s for different species.
Sea surface temperature and sea ice concentrations
The SST and Sice values are also prescribed as monthly climatologies for 2000 created by averaging over 1995-2004 the timeseries data generated for CMIP6 Atmos-only simulations.
GHG and Trace Gas Concentrations
- These have been specified as values averaged over 1995-2004 from the historical GHG forcing data prepared for CMIP6.
- This was done by manually averaging data for above years from the files {{{/projects/ancils/cmip6/ancils/any/timeseries_1850-2014/cmip6/global_ghg_cmip6.conf}}} and {{{trgas_rcp_historical.dat}}} respectively for the Radiation GHG inputs and UKCA trace gas specification.
Critical Model setup / Namelist settings
SST/ Seaice
- Panel: um => namelist => Reconfiguration and Ancil control => Configure ancil and dump fields
- Look for initialisation of items:
* stashcode=24 (SST), ancilfilename=$SST_SICE_ANCIL/sst_clim_mon_2000_n96e.anc * stashcodes=31,32 (sea-ice), ancilfilename=$SST_SICE_ANCIL/sice_clim_mon_2000_n96e.anc * site/meto_cray.rc: SST_SICE_CLIM = /data/d05/hadzm/ancil/n96e/cmip6/sstice/clim_2000 * site/MONSOON.rc: SST_SICE_CLIM = /projects/ukca-meto/hadzm/ancil/n96e/cmip6/sstice/clim_2000
RUN_Radiation GHG values
- Panel: Sec 01 02 Radiation => Gas MMRs => Varying Gas MMRs: Set l_climcfg=False and then specify these values in the Gas MMRs' panel:
!= Item = | = Value = | = Remarks = |
c113mmr | 0.0 | |
c114mmr | 0.0 | |
c11mmr | 0.0 | |
c12mmr | 4.3674e-09 | |
ch4mmr | 9.799e-04 | ignored, uses conc from UKCA |
co2_mmr | 5.5815e-04 | |
hcfc22mmr | 0.0 | |
hfc125mmr | 0.0 | |
hfc134ammr | 3.5211e-10 | |
n2ommr | 4.7797e-04 | ignored, uses conc from UKCA |
o2mmr | 0.2314 |
RUN_UKCA settings
Item | Value | Remarks |
biom_aer_ems_scaling | 2.0 | |
chem_timestep | 3600 | |
dir_strat_aer | '/home/d05/hadzm/job_files/SAD' | |
fastjx_mode | 1 | |
fastjx_numwl | 18 | |
fastjx_prescutoff | 20.0 | |
file_strat_aer | 'CMIP_1850_2014_average_sad_v3_56_level.asc' | |
i_ageair_reset_method | 1 | |
i_mode_nzts | 15 | |
i_mode_setup | 2 | |
i_ukca_chem | 51 | |
i_ukca_conserve_method | 2 | |
i_ukca_dms_flux | 1 | |
i_ukca_hiorder_scheme | 0 | |
i_ukca_photol | 3 | |
i_ukca_quasinewton_end | 3 | |
i_ukca_quasinewton_start | 2 | |
i_ukca_scenario | 2 | |
i_ukca_solcyc | 0 | |
jvscat_file | 'FJX_scat.dat' | |
jvspec_dir | '$UMDIR/vn$VN/ctldata/UKCA/fastj' | |
jvspec_file | 'FJX_spec_Nov11.dat' | |
l_bcoc_bf | .true. | |
l_bcoc_bm | .true. | |
l_bcoc_ff | .true. | |
l_mode_bhn_on | .true. | |
l_mode_bln_on | .false. | |
l_ukca | .true. | |
l_ukca_ageair | .true. | |
l_ukca_aie1 | .true. | |
l_ukca_aie2 | .true. | |
l_ukca_arg_act | .true. | |
l_ukca_asad_columns | .false. | |
l_ukca_asad_plev | .true. | |
l_ukca_chem_aero | .true. | |
l_ukca_chem_plev | .true. | |
l_ukca_ddep_lev1 | .false. | |
l_ukca_h2o_feedback | .true. | |
l_ukca_het_psc | .true. | |
l_ukca_ibvoc | .false. | |
l_ukca_intdd | .true. | |
l_ukca_limit_nat | .true. | |
l_ukca_linox_scaling | .true. | |
l_ukca_mode | .true. | |
l_ukca_prescribech4 | .false. | |
l_ukca_prim_moc | .true. | |
l_ukca_primbcoc | .true. | |
l_ukca_primss | .true. | |
l_ukca_primsu | .true. | |
l_ukca_qch4inter | .false. | |
l_ukca_quasinewton | .true. | |
l_ukca_radaer | .true. | |
l_ukca_radaer_sustrat | .true. | |
l_ukca_radch4 | .true. | |
l_ukca_radf11 | .false. | |
l_ukca_radf113 | .false. | |
l_ukca_radf12 | .false. | |
l_ukca_radf22 | .false. | |
l_ukca_radn2o | .true. | |
l_ukca_rado3 | .true. | |
l_ukca_sa_clim | .true. | |
l_ukca_scale_biom_aer_ems | .true. | |
l_ukca_scale_seadms_ems | .false. | |
l_ukca_scale_soa_yield | .true. | |
l_ukca_set_trace_gases | .true. | |
l_ukca_sfix | .false. | |
l_ukca_so2ems_expvolc | .false. | |
l_ukca_src_in_conservation | .true. | |
l_ukca_trophet | .false. | |
l_ukca_use_background_aerosol | .true. | |
lightnox_scale_fac | 2.0 | |
max_ageair_reset_level | 10 | |
mode_activation_dryr | 37.5 | |
mode_aitsol_cvscav | 0.5 | |
mode_incld_so2_rfrac | 0.25 | |
mode_parfrac | 2.5 | |
soa_yield_scaling | 2.0 | |
ukca_em_dir | Top-level paths: CMIP6_AEROCHEM_EMS = /data/d05/hadzm/ancil/n96e/cmip6/ !AeroChemEms/clim_2000/v1 (Meto-Cray) = /projects/ukca-meto/hadzm/ancil/n96e/cmip6/ !AeroChemEms/clim_2000/v1 (Monsoon2) CMIP6_BIOG_EMS = /projects/um1/ancil/atmos/ n96e/ukca_emiss/biogenic/v1 (Both systems). Locations are set in file <suite>/site/<site>.rc | |
ukca_h2mmr | 3.4528E-08 | |
ukca_n2mmr | 7.5468E-01 | |
ukca_offline_dir | ignored | |
ukca_offline_files | ignored | |
ukca_rcpdir | '/home/d05/hadzm/job_files/scenario_files' | |
ukca_rcpfile | 'trgas_rcp_clim_2000.dat' | |
ukcaaclw | '$UMDIR/vn$VN/ctldata/UKCA/radaer/ga7_1/nml_ac_lw' | |
ukcaacsw | '$UMDIR/vn$VN/ctldata/UKCA/radaer/ga7_1/nml_ac_sw' | |
ukcaanlw | '$UMDIR/vn$VN/ctldata/UKCA/radaer/ga7_1/nml_an_lw' | |
ukcaansw | '$UMDIR/vn$VN/ctldata/UKCA/radaer/ga7_1/nml_an_sw' | |
ukcacrlw | '$UMDIR/vn$VN/ctldata/UKCA/radaer/ga7_1/nml_cr_lw' | |
ukcacrsw | '$UMDIR/vn$VN/ctldata/UKCA/radaer/ga7_1/nml_cr_sw' | |
ukcaprec | '$SPECTRAL_FILE_DIR/RADAER_pcalc.ukca' |
STASH requests
Diagnostics Requested in u-ay770 can be seen here
UKCA evaluation suite output for : Chemistry and Aerosols
Autoassess output (vs UM11.0 GA7): Internal, External. Note: Radiation area output not produced. Click on link for Aerosol area output.
Validation notes: Internal, External
Scaling Tests
Scaling tests of GA7.1+StratTrop have been performed on the XCS and ARCHER using UM vn10.6.1. Scaling plots are below.
ARCHER archiving to the RDF and JASMIN
The ARCHER suite has been configured to allow for automatic archiving to the RDF (/nerc
disk) and a JASMIN Group Workspace if required. These settings are found in the postproc Post Processing and then either select Archer Archiving or JASMIN Transfer.
Archer Archiving
- Set the value of archive_root_path to be on the
disk, e.g./nerc/n02/n02/Auserid/archive
, whereAuserid
is your ARCHER userid. - Turn on archiving via the postproc task, by clicking the suite conf Tasks Post Processing button.
JASMIN Transfer
- Ensure that you have archiving to the RDF turned on using the postproc task (see above).
- Set the value of transfer_dir to be the path to a JASMIN Group Workspace, e.g.
, whereJuserid
is your JASMIN userid. You can apply for access to a GWS on the JASMIN website. - Set the value of remote_host to be the transfer machine on JASMIN to use, e.g.
. Usingjasmin-xfer2
is recommended but you must first request access to hpxfer. - You will need to ensure that you can connect from PUMA to the RDF data transfer node (e.g.
). - You will need to ensure that you can connect from the data transfer node to JASMIN.
- You will need to ensure you include the following in your RDF
Host jasmin-xfer2 Hostname User Juserid IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_jasmin ForwardAgent no Host jasmin-xfer1 Hostname User Juserid IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_jasmin ForwardAgent no
- where
is your JASMIN userid.
- You will need to ensure that you have the following in your PUMA
Host dtn02 Hostname User Auserid IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa ForwardAgent no
- where
is your ARCHER/RDF userid.
- Turn on the pptransfer task by clicking the suite conf Tasks PP Transfer button.