UKCA & UMUI Tutorial 1

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Exploring the UMUI

Getting hold of an existing UM-UKCA job

Before you can start using UKCA (and the UM generally), you first need to copy a UM or UKCA job from somewhere. You may be given a job from someone for a specific purpose, or you may just copy a standard job. In the UMUI there are two repositories of standard jobs, under the umui and ukca UMUI users. The umui user contains a series of standard jobs provided and maintained by NCAS-CMS. The ukca user contains jobs provided by the UKCA team.

Make a new experiment and take a copy of the UKCA Tutorial Base Job, filter for the ukca user and choose the correct experiment for the machine that you will be running on (HECToR: xxxx, MONSooN: xxxx). Select the a job, labeled Tutorial Base UM-UKCA Job and copy this one to your own experiment.

More details on how to copy UMUI jobs can be found in the NCAS-CMS Introduction to the UMUI tutorial video.